Watching demos + ETTV

Recently i started to watch a demo and realised i couldn't see any people or destructables (ie main gate on braundorf)!

All i can see is the names above peoples head like a shoutcaster but there is no body beneath it!

This happens in all demos and on ettv which is just plain annoying.

Anybody with any ideas on a fix post away.

Turn off ghost mode =)
had the same, try another config
Yeh i tried a new config with no results.

I also thought it might be a crappy .pk3 file so i made a fresh install but i guess i tainted it by putting old config in. And guess what, no luck!
r_drawworld "1" maybe
nope, setting to 1 is the same and 0 everything is black :)
r_znear "3"
r_zfar "0"

thats all folks!
yeh not those either.
bah im an ask perfo wnb :(
r_drawentities "1"

that should do it

misread btw
woot love you, thanks very much, problem fixed.

Who needs perfo eh?

to start learning how to use REPLY

or ask perfo

HAHAHAHA so funny
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