Still cless

Hi, I suppose most of you havn't forgot who i am since i recently posted a topic about me being cless and looking for a clan.

I have the sad message to all of you that i actually still am clanless. That's why i'd like to give you all my ID one more time.

My name is Koe, i'm a cupadmin in EC, NC, OC, every damn cup clanbase hosts.
Currently i'm in search of a clan because i left my previous clan due to i wanted to be in a more skilled and active team. This means i'm looking for a med skilled 6o6 team which can offer me 2 trainings + 1 official a week. That official isnt a requirement, but those 2 trainings at least are. I'd also like to train with a sort or less steady lineup, but i understand that these days this is an impossible requirement (unless i joined a highskilled clan, but unfortunatelly that's even more difficult to find :)). Therefore i would accept clans with line-ups who are sort or less the same. As mentioned in my previous topic i'm a med skilled player. I'm good in every class that is made in this game, especially medic (i see myself having good reviving skills). I can be a good engi (with both smg as rifle, but smg prefered), i can be an average fops, and shooting some headshots as a covie works out fine as well. I only have one suggestion: don't let me go heavy weapons because i'm not the man who makes a 5 man killing panzer, i'm just not rambo enough to fix that.
I have ventrillomix, so i can be on every possible ventrillo or ts ever made. I'm available at irc, xfire, msn, hotmail, so there are many ways you can keep in contact with me when you would really need me.
The language my clan speaks doesn't make much difference, my english skills are more than good enough to supply useful information in combat, also speaking french doesn't cause that many problems (just not as good as english), and to the dutchie community: ja ik spreek nederlands alleen soms met een vlaamsk accent.

So if you are in look of

- an active med skilled player
- engi, medic, fops, covie
- a maxpackets 40 whore (yes it makes me unhittable like polaks)
- a friendly and helpful guy (geez i really am making myself look like a nice guy)

then please contact me:
- on irc: /qry Koetjn in
- on hotmail: [email protected]
- on crossfire: just pm me
- on xfire: gaylordvalt (is my login name i know it rly pwns my own ass off)
- on msn: [email protected]

if you are not looking a player at all plz privat message me and say "sadpanda :("

thnx in advance!
we're not unhitable, u just dont know how to aim!
with my packets 40 there's no polak that knows how to kill my damm fatass anymore (and yes cows have fat asses)
i wish you good lucky and good engerlish as far as i reading your english was ok! just making elephunt out of this!

take zis guy or god will do bb telephony with u bad guys!
me is wish you are good luck
gl koetje :)
Hey Koe, veel succes man!
polaks are unhittable.
ask sAken or kutNICK
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