voodo_O cless !

To say it first, this is for a friend of mine. I post this here because he has no working crossfire-account. He send me the following text and i just copied it in.

Germany voodo_O

» what I search:
° active and skilled
° no 2 weekys
° nice homepage
° no kiddys/whiners
° clearly english speech

» about me:
° I`m 18 years old and mature
° skill: around med
° very active - 24/7 (prefered train-dates: sunday- thursday 20.00 - 23.00)
° speak Germany german and United Kingdom english (some Spain spanish, but not enough for comms)
° experience (3 years)
° no clanhopper
° prefered classes: Anonymous medic/fop Anonymous
° clanhis: Germany KGS; Germany just.craZy/M-fear; Germany noTeamplay; Germany Team Brandenburg.ET
° my ESL-link

german teams prefer but all are welcome

» Contact:
° ICQ: 213-638-730
° E-mail: [email protected]
° IRC: #noT|ET
take himm! he's nais palyer!
gl to yoooooooo!!!

dont forget telephony him
Quote» what I search:
° nice homepage

if that's rly neccesary GL finding one
for what do u need a nice homepage?!

for showing his girlfriend that his name/nick IS on teh internet!!!!11!!!
:P uuuuhhh well, he has allrdy an esl account! that should be enough.
although i dont think his gf would care about this stuff....
gl wuuuuduuuuuh
if you are search for a clan: GOOGLE it!!
take him!!! naiz player
Team Brandenburg? Ich lache mich tot. Nach dem ich das ganze Team schon zusammen hatte, kamt ihr mit euren "Machtansprüchen" und am Ende habt ihr gar nix mehr gemacht und wir hatten 0 Team. Von wegen skilled.
auf wen ist das jetz bitte bezogen?
Quote° no kiddys
° clearly english speech

word "skilled" has lost its meaning
gl voodo
et-scene suxx, in et-scene.de kannst med suchen,...
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