kholic cless

i’m looking for a clan, because i recognized that rl isn’t thaaat cool :o(

the clan:
- should have a good ingame leader
- should have stable, smart and mature players
- shouldn’t have clanhopper, flamer, cheater
- shouldn’t have pracing times in the afternoon – I prefer to start playing later, because I still have to work and have some rl issues sometimes ;(

about me:
- I am definitely not the best aimer out there, but I have a good knowledge of the game ( at least I think so) and therefore I can compensate the lack of my aimskills with thinking ingame.
- I’m also not a rambo, but a teamplayer who tries to help the team whenever possible ( not only ingame)
- favourite class is medic, which I am playing on a decent level. I can also play smg eng.
- I consider me as a reliable guy, who is really active if needed
- can speak german fluently, and I’m also able to speak english quite decent
- my last clan was octense, with which I played since november 2006 ( I am totally not a clanhopper)

If you want to contact me, just send a personal message to me - here on crossfire- or catch me in irc ( if I am online) #velerion
gl jenzi <3
you learn a lot @ school or not xD ?
sup with octence?
inactive because of the summer.
i also didn't want to play in summer, but i just can't stop playing that game :||
I think its more like dead
gl!!! nice player, pick him fast!
gl jens
looks very nice, gl!!!!
gL meighT. :O)
viel glück m8 :)
Viel Glück, Jens. <3.
gl #d&b sucht noch ein , versuch dein glück ^^
I think Worm will be coming back too saying the same words.
rl is hard. But now im having lots of fun ^^.

Good luck kholic maybe see you in some randommixnight games ;).

Btw the guy is very cool and nice aimer. (better then me)
hoi jens,
well everything he says is true, you can count on him!
reliable and smart player
wish you the best of luck @ finding a clan m8<3
lol wie jüdisch ;o
he is the best on this planet!
gl jensi:) good teamplayer
gl jens
GL random noob. :O)
du hast nur rL bashes gekriegt, gibs zu!..

aber mach dir nix draus

hatte ich auch! XD
viel Glück jens <3 :-)
noobse der jens noobse
good luck jens! :*
gl jens :)
just kidding :P
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