I cheated.........................


as you saw before there was a journal of me cheating, http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=5389


why would I start to cheating after playing this game for a 3 years ? idd, there is no idea. There is red triangles in yawn as you see, why should I even hac in matches or even in public ;( ? I've always been on the side of fair players. I can play on LANs too, if you find me a LAN-team!! =D

pBBan: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=12&guid=609d9cba(check the ip)

some proves: Yawn: http://files.filefront.com//;7428969;/ (guidspoofers, die!!)
pillupae: http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gamecode=ET&etproGuid=688A27C174C8FD707EB997FEE0514A6FA8A5AC24

My ip: http://hosted.filefront.com/crewler/

imo crew is clean
Fusenised.... dot
Quote by crewwhy would I start to cheating after playing this game for a 3 years ? idd, there is no idea.

hax dtekt'd ? ;DD
I believe you crew :>
ban imo!
you got chmpp in your buddylist so pscht
atleast im not busted !
atleast you got redyawnings :>
U want me to be? Lemmy touch you, gently...... 'Die'

Anyways, invalid guid when using the pBbans link..... (hmm, dot again.... dOt)
I really hope it wasnt you :(
Dear crew,

Those guids doesn't matter since your crossfire ip matches with the ip on pbbans. No-one ever said you hacked in clanwars. Would be smart to admit that you cheated, you cant argue against proofs. It's kinda sad that you and your fanboys still try to deny that the pbshot is yours.

What about those yawns btw? Pillupae have been playing with your clans named as crew. Isn't it obvious who it was?

PS: When you are going to share an url you could just paste it, no need to make a rarred text file with.
I don't understand why you enSam still isn't banned here.
My other account is banned, are you happy now?
now we should belive you?
you should su imo.
because he doesn't believe him?
you know me? omg im so famous NOW!
yeah, i heard you invented a famous trickjump :)
cool! nice to meet you! =8] can I have your configs now?
always knew there was no way someone could get more damage than me in quAn!
I did it all the time..... and so did vaNq in sublime.
crew did more dmg than kamz & got busted
vaNq did more dmg than kamz & got busted
ins did more dmg than kamz.... cu @ banlist!
haxban pls
It's a real shame when people come on here and say that it wasn't them and then i check and find that he added himself to clan defix on April 28th 2007 with the IP on the pbbans offence with screenshot. So i confirmed by checking the logs of reanimated and April 26 2007 he changed his name from cloud to crew using this ip.Same for glow gaming and fidelity. Oh btw the offence was April 30, 2007 at 12:35:04 pm

Now you have found yourself busted please revise your story and go out in style!
turtti :XD
He has already tried to elude a ban and doesn't realise im [CB] now. he has removed himself from clans changed names re-joined clans with his new IP. gg crew however i still have the logs and added your ban today, you will see your name soon!!!
get ur bust suit on m8 :D
lol worm :)
I really can't say what i want to say here, unsure of what's right and what's not, but having known you for such a long time, i just hope you're willing to accept the consquences of what's coming your way. If it really wasn't you then...unlucky ;x
nice try
Oh, my god. After looking at your socalled 'evidence', I got nothing to say except that you are nothing short of a retard. First of all, why the fuck do you paste an url in a text file, pack it and then upload it instead of just linking to it here? Second, that yawn link doesnt prove shit. I don't know what you think, but I'm sure you're not the only person that ever had 'crew' in your name. Lastly, that picture you uploaded yesterday with your ip on it? Guess what, you can just restart your modem and you'll get a brand new ip. And like Bulld0g already so explicitly stated, the IP of the ban matches your account for the same dates on clanbase, so please just admit to it and stop acting like a 4 year old.

Again, nice try.
how the hell can u call that nice try? it was quite pathetic. :XD
dude, fuck off
Sadpanda please
Can you tell us how the busted IP was found from your account's ClanBase logs? IT's just busted GG.
shame on you crew =/ never though that u would be a haxor but i guess that even i can fail sometimes.
blaat, he never cheated in clanwars, I saw him growing from the igods time till the v&e time, his skill was real
something fishy about this, my quess is that in the end only some "krp" guy gets busted.

QuoteIt's a real shame when people come on here and say that it wasn't them and then i check and find that he added himself to clan defix on April 28th 2007 with the IP on the pbbans offence with screenshot. So i confirmed by checking the logs of reanimated and April 26 2007 he changed his name from cloud to crew using this ip.Same for glow gaming and fidelity. Oh btw the offence was April 30, 2007 at 12:35:04 pm
Totally different account than the one crew has been using since 2004. Account was made just before being added to defix for 1 minute before being removed from the lineup again. Now there are 2 Crews in some clans and such.

Pretty smart move creating another account just to get busted few days later, huh?
nice try :::d
you're next, hacker
Quotewhy would I start to cheating after playing this game for a 3 years ? idd, there is no idea. There is red triangles in yawn as you see, why should I even hac in matches or even in public ;( ? I've always been on the side of fair players.

this proofs nothing, you cheated :----D
Last week I heard that cartek & crew were talking each other on ventrilo. And yes.. what did they talk about. Unhaxpected, about cheats! Cartek admitted that he has been using cheats.
When Cartek mentioned about his haxes, crew asked for those hacks.

Btw n1 try crew

that makes sense
btw if that's true, very fair from cartek to spoil crew's internet career by sending him some fucking old nexus which he will 100% sure get busted of :D

what a nice mate
That is true. :l
all i can say:D:DD:D
You have a smile there without eyes. Or is the second one just extremely fat?
hes not fat, hes big boned
morin tulee kuristaa tollaset xiittarit (se ei kurista käsillään).
always been on my i-am-a-gay-hacker--but--act-like-i-am-pro-player-list.
well he is not the only one who is/was cheating. There's still a lot more which makes this game so boring to play
i lol'd die bitch
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