Creative topic title. Clanless and stuff

So I'm currently searching for a clan

Pointless details:
From: Norway Norway
Age: Anonymous 25
Class: Medic, can play panzer if needed. Might also be able to serve as smg engineer if needed, though it's not my preferred class. I'm a shit fop!
Activity: Can play every day, though I might be unavailable at times because of my position as backup for Norway Team Norway.

Clan history :
Norway LpK
Europe voluntas
Europe srNtyUK/Invalid/outbreak (namehopping!)

Norway Team Norway (backup)

What I'm looking for is an active, stable clan that plays at a decent level. Would prefer a clan that doesn't plan to fold after the current season.
Age of 18+ would be preferred.

Skillwise, anything below OC div 3 would be pointless. Premier might be possible, though I wouldn't be a safe bet for this season, I'm just back from a period of inactivity. I know I'm not a well known big name player, so I'm not expecting a storm of offers, but anything would be considered (and if needed, rejected)

If I left out any important information, it's because writing this crap is boring as hell, and I'm trying to get it done with minimal effort. Just ask me on irc, I can be found in #et-norge , don't bother pming me here, as I tend to ignore the mailbox.
cant help you sorry
This guy is genuinly skilled, and have no idea why he hasnt found a decent clan yet. take him.


totally agree with mayni. nice guy, good comms, good laugh.

gl fini. hope you find a good clan ;)
nice topic
Lykke til, håper du finner noe bra.. Bare spør hvis du trenger fanbois, jeg og Zodiac stiller opp! =]
Jeg stiller ikke opp som fanboi for en som bare er en halv skill bedre. =[[
Gjør du vel! *piske*
gL fini. :O)
nice description gl
Take him!!

I would say if u need one aggressive (not rambo, but aggressive) medic, this is ur guy.

gl mate!
gl me'hearty!!
best clansearch text i've read so far! you seem to be! (tbh i don't think that you find a squad with all ppl 18+ :/)
fini is a good player, and I mean good. =DD
Take him guys.

Lykke til da. =P
Tror du trenger det i dette drittspillet.
good luck!
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