BlaDe searches team

Hello people,
I am in need of a new team since my old one decided to split up.

Some information about me:

- mature relaxed person
- Have brains -,-
- Dutch, English language
- My skill is around: med
- class: Medic smg

Kind of team i am looking for:
- active team (no 2 week team or we started yesterday med+ team)
- good teamwork/comms
- mature people, that means no team filled with 14 year olds.

You me pm here
Or you can find me at #sFx.Gaming
gl , best medic in NL imo
Gl BlaDe :]
Quote- Have brains -,-

thats very interesting
i lold also :)
Quotedont falme him fucking retard piece of shit , get aids , who r you anyway? stupid noname retard , get skill

more interesting
write a book if your interessed like that , polish retard.
whats ur previous clan that has split up?
soma infoz about me

- friend of rqmbo

u forgot to say
14 year olds ruleee!
lang niet gesproken , gl anyway!
Blade gd luck man!
gl, maar ik zie je niet idle in #serenity-gaming !
Bump for this guy! Very nice person and a skilled player! Definitely a good pickup!
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