Cvar ot_distance = 6

Neiter am I accusing anyone of anything nor am I raising an assertion without substance as I'm not really sure what cvar ot_distance = 6 is doing exactly.

Therefore I would like to question you, what you think about that.

Is it a valid proof for a cheat or could it be a sign that someone is using an external program (aimbot, whack, whatever).

What I found out so far is basically this:

- ot_ cvars are from a well known cheat and are used to toggle on and off various cheat features

- you can toggle ot_names, ot_distance, ot_weapons, ot_weaptxt, ot_teamesp, ot_teamtxt, ot_wallhack, ot_textesp, ot_logo, like a regular cvar (ot_names 1 turns on name esp) - thats direct from cheat readme (reffering to someone from

Now it's your turn... and no, I don't want to ask perfo (whoever this is), keep your youtube links to yourself & if you reply to this first, we can all see that you made the 1. reply. thanx
quick reply guys but: what NO? and what EXACTLY? that doesn't help me at all :O(
well u already said it yourself its used to toggle cheat commands on\\off so it must be part of a cheat : >
Or he uses a cheaters config :o
idd .. Always check a config before using imo :) else ur just stupid,, and get shit like this :D
Or he's retarded and puts some ot_cvar in his cfg without any effect
Even an idiot wouldn't do that, especially not in this period with all the cheater and cheaterbusters.
yeah, but that would imply that he's not inevitably using an external program... in other words it is no valid proof... right?
It's not a valid proof, but first of all ask the person if he knows of, if he doesn't, he didn't read this.
So you can ask him the question if he tested some configs.
If he sais no, then he's a cheater.
the question was only in general but the guy I'm referring to has been accused of cheating (on a couple of times and he was replying: not my config, someone else's blablablubblub
I'm going to quote mens0, a well known cheatbuster;

" So he will excuse it with a shared config. Maybe sometimes it's true, but I am also sure most of these busts are caused by cheats."
ask perfo (whoever this is) :D
finally some1 that doesnt know you
i think so ye.. why would u put such commands for fun in ur Config?
ask perfo
Ask rqmbo, he knows well the ot_ commands and stuff ;D
Member For: 9 days

newbie plz

Niveau arguments bidons j'penses que t'es pr0 mais faut renouveler ;)
Member For: 1 year and 28 days

Banned from ESL plz
T'en as pas marre de te repeter ? :`|
haha im Member For: 13 days
but your sexy + your called Frank so np4u , but about him , look his retard nick Boumbo , please he should have aids or smth
he should just lock himself in a room without inet
lolz, just checked ur guid at yawn :D wtf, ?! like 100 different pb guid & etpro guid =D I lold xD damn you :d
Quote proof me wrong, but I am the only one who has been playing Castle Wolfenstein in all versions since it came out back in 1983 (Wolfenstein 2-D made by Muse SW)... :P
honestly... that Apple II rocked
ever seen a 8" floppy drive?¿?
that's what I'm still dreaming of.
I was just wodering how "oldschool" a guy can be?! :D
congratz :D
well... I guess some of us never grow old :P
I'm not sure but i think ot_distance determins how far ahead the wallhack should work. So the lower the number the closer you have to be to the person to see him through walls.
obviously he command is cheat. now its the question if there has only been a toggle of that command (leftover of cheaters-cfg maybe) or he rly used the hack. i dont think that is enough for a ban.
unfortunately I agree with you.
n1 english
ot logo is in the config, its a cheat yes ,but some people are unaware of whats in there config since they have probably got the config from somewhere else, you dunno if he cheats or not, doesnt prove they cheat just means they had a cheat in there config, either knowing they had the cheat in there or they didnt.
i ve got warning for this stuff . Since this time i have never downloaded any cfg from net ;] btw u can do /cvar_list to check if ur cfg doesnt contain any pb violations .
wtf sjiiiiiiiz hoe vaak wordt jij wel niet gebanned:D
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