looking for a clan :)

Hi all image: zbylucky

i'm looking for a very active and (more or less) stable 6o6 team.

some shit bout me:

Age: 16
Country: Germany
Language (on comms): english prefered
Skill: something arround "real" med (testgame pls)
Last clan: aNjuna.et / doctors
experience: playing it since fucking 3 years
class: fop

all possible communication problems + Vent server available

to u:

you should have a warserver and if possible a nice homepage
you should NOT whine - i fucking hate whiners
you should be active in leagues
you should pm me with something like ur irc chann etc. so i can tell u more about me and u more about u :oO

if you're just a bunch of cool guys with skill, i'm ur man

@ all the haters: speak to the hand cause the face it ain't listening ;p

peace, fuck off, and till then

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