N33d CL4n

Yo sup?

Guess what, I'm looking for a clan!
You should be pretty inactive, like one or two games per week or so, no fixed trainings 'nstuff. But still ULTRAhighskilled+++*, etc - you know what I mean.

I'm like medskilled (who isn't for the time being).
Can play Medic or Fops and can speak German and English like almost fluently.
I played in well known clans like [KuB] (LoL!) Lucky Bitches and CraZy/Proplay.
btw I'm too busy for testgames, so you'll have to take me without testing. Shouldn't be a problem, since I'm sure one of your friends has already told you of my excellent skillZ.

You can qry me in IRC - hellkn1ght, but don't expect an answer within like 3 days. You can also send me one or better two pms to make sure I get your message.

Europe Germany Afghanistan Iran Iraq Israel Lebanon Afghanistan

This is not a joke!
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