3on3 med skilled team is looking for members

Hi, I'm 16 and I'm builder of Russia Drunks team which I created 5 months ago.
We began play 3on3 with low+ skill and now we are med. So now I need some skilled members to play 6on6. Got site, ts, irc, server etc. All members can talk in United Kingdom.

- MUST have microphone
- got bnc
- MUST be not lower than med- skill, no Anonymous
- can play almost every day
- can listen tax
- can speak United Kingdom well
- can be a teamplayer
- no guys from lagland ...
- can understand team
- can play fop/medic
- rifles are welcome too
- whiners and kids not welcome
- hate cheaters

pm me here
whats a [flag=5]

nP !


soz, lol, was unicodes
got bnc?

u don't recruit a guy without bnc or u mean "he will get" one from u :P ?
you cant play without one o0
he will, sorry, that's right
dRUnk skill..and ur name is...?
Member For: 0 days
do u drink much vodka???? ?? ?
because u name is vodka and u clan name is drunk :D
that's for fun, dude, don't like?
- no guys from lagland ...

oh noes! :<
Are they people who can talk Great-Britain ? :DDD
gl mates
I, like, talking, like, this.
wow they know about the aLcOhOlz
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