
#radius.et is looking for some med/or higher skilled trials {PLZ NO XFIRE MED SKILL OMG)

After snz died when ramco decided to be a whore/hopper/noob i went on creating a other clan called radius since snz was faked i heard, still soz for that.
We need 1 Soldier/Medic and 1 Medic/Fops and 1/2 backups.
So here are the spec's:

- Med or Higher
- Clanhistory
- Older then 13
- TeamSpeak/Ventrilo
- Have to have Humour a bit
- Europe
- Teamplay

- Med Skill
- TeamSpeak/Ventrilo ( with top codecs onlain )
- Teamplay
- Good lineup
- Gameserver (today or tomorrow coming)
- Site http://radius.ycn-online.co.uk (updated soon, skin etc)
- irc #radius.et

Netherlands fusioN
Netherlands sYncij
Poland m2
Europe dwarf

We hope to trial u soon !
dwarf not even low+ tbh
hes a n1 rifle biatch
lijkt me heel heel sterk
We Med Skill?
older than 13 oWNED
low + BelgiummAx

dankje ,, doe de groeten aan freSh :DDD
since when is poland a part of europe?
another 2weeks, low+ max clan
owww, my ear. :<
- Have to have Humour a bit

- Good lineup

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