reboOt is back!
Edit: loLoooloLOLol after too many flame i decided not to enter the "legit" scene again. Gonna hax on all ur servers now.
Cu @ css, public or irc.
Cu @ css, public or irc.
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
how sad :<
No, i do NOT use them in clanwars :<
bb community
somehow that doesnt fit,
but anyways wish you good luck m8
thought u quit for RL, u failed? :p
i just want you levzje, u know that!!!
nächstes mal so faken das es keiner merkt kthxbibuy
ohne cheater wäre et zu easy =)
glaub ich dir das jetzt mal
genau, der osterhAse
>About me:
>» 16, mature
"cheat and mature". If you're so good at languages, you should look up "oxymoron". Twat.
bibuy hope nobody takes you
played with u in this coverto funclan, but u were the megaboon even with cheats
Flamer kids.
I am not the smartestest, sorry :<