2 skilled players need new home


Me ( Croatiasurface ) & My friend Croatiabrewer
are looking for new home after 1,5 year inactivity.

Croatia Brewer

» 20 years old
» Speak decent United Kingdom English
» Med/+ skilled
» Prefer Engineer/Rifle
» Clan history Europe Insta-Gods (since -05) & Europe Vaillant ( since -07 ) + some 2 weeks clans


Croatia surface

» 18 years old
» Speak decent United Kingdom English
» Med/+ skilled
» Prefer Medic/Field0ps/Engineer/smg
» Clan history Europe Insta-Gods (since -05) & Europe Vaillant ( since -07 ) + some 2 weeks clans

All what we are searching for is:

- Decent & Active clan
- Med/+ skilled
- Friendly ppl
- Good comms
- No 2 weeks clans![/b]

We prefer a stable team that has been active/together like 2 months, but new-comers are welcome aswell

contact us: msg surface at Quakenet.org

gl hrvata ; )
italic y0
Member For: 4 days :D:D:D
i don't get what is so funny in it
Member For: 4 days :D:D:D
gl horvats :D
nikad cuo ali sretno
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