Wtf Strange..

Ok first of all i dont wanna flame someone with this but.....
I use the yawn client and after every fight i yawn my enemys, so i did yesterday and one strange thing appeared:

I dont wanna say this guy is cheating!!! Just strange things with his and others guids... one guid 3 different people?
The first guys from germany i think cause his mates were german and i know one of them from another et site:
then if you klick on some etproguid this appears:

ok this guy is registered @ crossfire and in his profile is a russian flag, the red sings shows cheating violations from a poland ip?

Is it possible that 3 diffrent guys got the same etpro guid?

Sorry for my bad english, and again this isnt a cheaterthread i just wanna know how something like that is possible..
hax or it is a bug =)
k.... that didnt help
hax or it is a bug =)
and another helpfull answer
He could have moved over his etkey to his new pc, but why.
his new pc in a new country 3 times?
referring to the first guy.
Maybe they were on a LAN or something like that and the router was giving them a hard time... Altough I doubt a router gives them all the same ETPro Guid.
wtf how is a router able to change your ETPROGUID?
I am not saying it did.
ja sachma einer was ich checks net hab grad nochma bei cb geguckt und gesehn das es meistereder von wdc is, dem würd ich das nicht zutraun und der kommt net aus russland oder polen.... trotzdem würd ich gern wissen wie das möglich ist
Quoteok this guy is registered @ crossfire and in his profile is a russian flag

höchstens 10% haben hier die korrekte flagge..
All Windows 98 users have same ETPro guid, maybe that, maybe hax, maybe i dunno what.
That could be the point
indeed since all the country's where they are from are 3rd world countrys they dont have win xp yet i guess (to expensive loel)
am i busted now?
no, seriously. i dont have a fucking clue why my etpro guid does change from time to time. there are like 5 or 6 other guys with the same guid. ( hi 2 you, sts o/ )
i cant even enter my etpro guid @ clanbase and esl cuz its already entered by another one (for example toNy @ clanbase)
its not just the same etproguid its also the same pbguid sometimes?!?? hows that possible?! and are you meistereder or are you someone else?!?!?

i dont get it neverseen something like that

oh i found something else
im not meistereder.
and if you check my pbguid there is only 1 person with the same pbguid - me.
the funny thing is he had the same as you
pb guid? o_o
lol youre funny just del the etkeyfile and you ger a new pbguid... so its nealy impossible to get the same as anoyone els... btw your pbguid changes pretty often...
actually i am from germany, just had the russian flag cuz im born there. but nP =)

as you can see there is nobody else around with my pbguid, but you can also see that my etpro guid changes from time to time...dont ask me why
Well a friend of mine told me about this Thread. I definitly have to make a statement here.

I am MeisterEder from wdc.Clan and I am very confused with what happend to my guid. I have heard of people steeling etpro guids, but I have never seen a guid so many times with so many different players. I cannot explain it myself, I can only explain why my own guid changed so often the last years. It is because I change hardware very often, had 3 different motherboards in the last 2 years for example.

It is kind of an old guid, I did not use for over one and a half year, but I really dont know how so many people got it. Well get your own oppinion, but as far as I know, I am not a cheater or haxx0r or anything near by ;)

Greets MeisterEder
"It is because I change hardware very often, had 3 different motherboards in the last 2 years for example."

Thats true. I get special offers for hardly used old hardware like twice a week. :>
he's to low to be a cheater so he is clean

<3 eder =)
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