Vaillant recruiting.

We as Vaillant are looking for new players, active, skilled and friendly.

We started a month ago, everything went well except that 3 members were inactive.
And now we are starting again, we have ventrilo, bncs coming and server coming soon.

If you are interrested join #vaillant and privmsg pds or infernal for more information about this journal.

What we expect from you:
Be active,
think logically,
never whine,
and win!

We want:
1 Rifle
2 Field Ops
3 Medics
And/or 1 Soldier.

I, Netherlands pds, am playing as a Medic/Field Ops, Netherlands Infernal is playing as a Field Ops.

Our goal is to reach atleast a grand cup and some cups for our owns, winning 1 day cups or big ladders is always welcome.
We prefer to make up a skilled 6on6 team.
But if we feel nescasery to make a 3on3 squad, we will do and we will try to get as high as possible.;)

Regards pds

P.S.: Idle and perform #vaillant, thank you;).

EDIT: posted by Netherlands fusioN cuz vai rox :D, nP4Me

image: randomV3
never whine,
Pds dat klinkt niet als jou!
ik heb het van pds zn journal np
skilled ook niet med mAx
dat klinkt niet als "jou".
idd Domi, vind ik ook:)
pds = retard
We want:
1 Rifle
2 Field Ops
3 Medics
And/or 1 Soldier

Zo te zien ben je alleen
I,pds, am playing as a Medic/Field Ops,Infernal is playing as a Field Ops.

Zo te zien zijn ze met 2
Rhand = *kuch*
GL infernal <3
Gl pds & Gl infernal
god, #214215879215th journal 'bout you and your <skilled> team-establishment.
Besides OFC the "every-month-changing-nickname" and your ubar stored bncs and server, which you everytime promise to arrive very soon °_°

plz.. I don't really care, but do me a favour and decrease the number of ridiculous journals by yourself. thx in advance

p.s. shouldn't have been any offensive against "infernal"
Good team, great potential.

Gl guys <3
lol hieanuteinauroasirnauiornaretardsesiotnstnsaios
Vaillant Boilers
Vaillant are one of the leading names in Boilers. Their quality, reliability and functionality mean that you can heat your home efficiently ?

Unless ofcourse you meant to call the clan valliant.
We like to keep u warm
gl infernal :D
First off, No offence to anyone other than renzo is intended.

Next up, shoutout to renzo, and his fucking natural disaster of an ear. Big up, my bigger lobed nigga.

As i said, no offence to Infernal and the rest of the clan, but renzo, I'd like to give you a piece of advice. See that thong sitting next to you, (Yes the one you tore off your sister, right before you "gave her sweet sweet love", Well. I suggest, you soak it up real good, so its nice and stretchy, and perhaps tie it to that nice oak tree in your garden, your neck, then jump :]

All your porblems will be vanished as of then :D

And, also. I'll edit your recruitment post. I'm such a damn nice guy.

"I want:

2 Skills
3 cocks (1 In my ass)
love :("

Imo renzo, perhaps you should take my advice, or even move to another game, like Sonic 3D (theres no aiming required :o). Mainly because, no one in 2.6b likes you, no one in 2.55 likes you, no one but your slightly incompetent perverted neighbour does.

btw, hows your ear now? Healed?


Didn't think so.

bb renzo.
i dont need ur life story kkthxdie
LOL 1-0 :D
gl Shkar
Im in this team, they seems skilled. :D
low+ max
and you wrote al this for nothing
Teh earlier you die, teh longer you're dead.
ye whatever tard
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