dlink dp-301+(P)

I use this print server with ricoh1035 [home use only] and i have some kind of problem with printing.
If more than 2 ppl in network at the same time use printing queue is freezing and i'm unable to do anything with out restart.
I know it's smth with queue and with print server setting, but so far i didn't came out with any idea.
Anyone knows how to solve that?
wanna fuck me ? plz babyboy
2 stupid 2 young sry
sry, i don't have a printer :------------<
if you dont have a clue what to do with it pls dont write anything because im feed up with reading useless comments.
you shouldnt post serious questions on xfire
dlink sucks simple as that, go for netgear.
Did you install it (on your computers) as a local printer ported through tcp/ip. And not just a networkprinter ?
yeah its instaled with tcp/ip protocol. i made few instalation on those dlinks and this is first time i have this kind of problem. 2 pc use printer in the same time and printing server just freezes [i can still acccess it by browser and all looks normal]
I changed prining spooling options on client side and looks like it helped, but i cant be sure if problem is solved or its just luck
well i'm in no way a printer expert (kinda boring subject :P), but gl with it. maybe a firmware-update ?
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