Lagde du denne journalen fårdi jeg sa du var gammel, mummy? :D

Niiice =D
Om jeg ikke husker feil så sa du til meg at du hadde testa hack på public server, Jeg kan jo se om jeg finner mirc loggen fra den samtalen om du vil ?
so? alt jeg sier til deg stemmer vell..
Regner jo med at du snakker sant da+ Yawn sier jo sitt da
Litt mer proof en det takk.

kan du ikke lage en .avi eller kanskje legge ut en demo?
Wow, ser du hvor mye alle care?
Din klan som sakte faller sammen pga. cheats bryr vi oss mer om. :P
Viperius er aktiv på crossfire idag. =O
Old and wannabe cheatbuster
alltid visst de pr0mo..:P
vist at jeg har triangler? :P
hadde ikkje du tromme da:P?
hva faen :D
aim 1.0 yawn sucks so hard xD
i want red signs do, gonna put these combinations into my cfg xD
have fun :D
thx xD i always wanted those triangles @ yawn
Hack meir da petter, alltid visst d!
Mummy, just because pr0mo speaks against you, doesnt mean you have to bring up this useless yawn entry. Aim = 1 is probably the first cvar ever entered into PB. So to make this easier for you to understand pr0mo "probably" was having fun and then decided OMG aimbot on now to joke with my friend, and OOps, forgot PB detects this command.
And mummy, i heard you are rich, but thats no excuse for being 35 and acting like you are 13.
Its like if someone accidentally hits you with a ball you have to throw it back because it HAS to be fair.
Så eid! x|D
x|D rå eid !!
id throw it back tbh
Y but you are 17 and from BELGIUM
dont believe everything you see =)
are you retarded! your getting banned soon also for kik_aim nils so i wouldnt worry!
ahahaha!! Pr0mo <333333 !!!! :D:D
care.. pr0mo är tuff imo <3

ni andra norrmän är fittor och borde tänka efter lite innan ni agerar
lol older than my grandpa...

<3 pr0mo
And in other exciting news:
WW2 has ended and the germans lost.

Btw Mummy, how's it going with cleaning up your clan? How many cheaters have played for you so far?
And in other exciting news:
Borcster is going to have a hard time losing to Lakaii in tomorrows Q3 1v1 duel.

87-12. Need I say more.
dont believe it :)

<3 pr0mo
Coolt hela norska et communityn sitter ju på crossfire? =D
haha rofl, mummy could you just fuck off wannabe high, pr0mo only has these warnings on his yawn just because he downloaded some pro players config and in the config there was /seta kik_aim 1

There was earlier a forum thread of lettu having seta kik_aim 1 on his config, so pr0mo is clear and besides you don't even have proof... Why would you go busting ppl without proof? It's like saying "Hi, my name is Mummy(the wannabe high) and I think pr0mo hax and I'm always right since my mother told me i'm the god of gayness ihihihihihi".
actually thats my story m8, so stop trying to make me look bad. Pr0mo has aim = 1 !
mmh i made it before i watched your comment :p so since i had to hurry i didn't have time to read yours, SORRY !
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