player avi

im searching for med++++/high skilled clan
icq 195760709, irc PW3CKA
also i will be gratefull for IP on skilled pub
(#care about low+ skilled coments like most of you here use to spam,
/pm me for 1on1)
nais joke.
gl skiller :)
"im searching for med++++/high skilled clan"

that sentence just ruined your chances of finding a clan

p.s. lowskiller
gl PWECKA :) ps V! > all
/pm me for 1on1)
hahahhah, made my day.

low+ btw
rofl :DDDD med/high + 1o1 qry u made day
rofl, go join CwG
nice guy, we played against murso with random mix, i only remember you and mogwai, remember? ;D
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