#CheatBusters.et need...

We, who act as a group to serve the common goal of ridding all leagues of cheaters, are looking to expand a little, and to make our job easier and more effective, as well as making it easier for you to keep track of bans for the different leagues. For this we need a new website, and this is where you come in. We want a website maker that can make databases and forms, and of course that can make the website look descent.

If this sounds interesting, and you think you got what it takes, send me a pm with some relevant info about yourself (doesn't have to be much), and most importantly links to other websites you've made.

This may be a turn off for many of you, but don't expect to get paid ;>
You will get paid with our love.
love? pfft. We're gamers ffs, we don't need love, we've got porn
I also know some nice porn links! !!!
pm unisol, but he is fucking expensive
No one good will do it for free, I'm afraid.
Hmmm gg @ cheatbusters
unisol for quality.
I hope you find someone considering what time you have invested. gl
I only know php, don't know anything of webdesign, gl with finding
QuoteWe, the cheatbusters

Stop acting like you're some kind of elite group. You're just a bunch of twats.
Did we ban your friend?
once a cheater, always a cheater.
Such a lie =)
yeh, this thing is going too serious :p
True, we are everything else than elitist. But thanks for posting your whole life on your profile as we care so much what our idol is doing all the day.
=) I find it more interesting to watch pics & vids than read about people's entire gaming history!
Me either. Just as well you, who doesn't think he is something special because he posted his rl stuff, don't we think we are something special. (omg I think the order is fucked up)
Edit your comment so it's understandable ;s
Hey wait I think I figured it out :D You're saying I think I'm special because I post rl stuff on my profile.. And that's the same with you guys you think you're special because you bust cheaters.. right?

I don't think I'm special, but I see all these nice profiles and well I had to do something about it! I don't have fancy quotes of people calling me a cheater :(, I don't have fancy photoshop skills, I don't have a huge list of achievements or a nice list of ex clans.. What do I have? I have this brilliant girl and I've got the best friends in the world. So what do I put on my profile? The things I do have!

I think you guys are great.. Really! It's good that you bust cheaters, but stop calling yourself "the cheatbusters" and act like your some elite group of players who are better than the rest. At leats that's the way you guys come over to me, all knowing and better than the rest.
That's exactly what I meant. Your profile looks like you think you are something very special that the entire community cares about ur real life. But I really doubt that it is meant in this way. And I like this kind of profiles more than all these other standard shit. I just wanted to give that example to explain our case.

In case of we act like we would think we are something special, then we should really check how to change that as we aren't something special and also don't want to look like that.

It wasn't mean as offense at all. But it "hurts" reading something like that if you really don't think like that.
If you click my profile you want to know who I am right? Well I present "me" ! My profile is dedicated to me and therefore it is meant to represent me as someone very very very special!

And I meant to hurt you, because the whole cheater thing is getting out of hand. I can't play a single 3on3 and not have the feeling at least ONE of the players I play cheats.. I didn't have this before and why not? Because no one ever talked about the possibility of cheaters!

It might also annoy me you forget to ban pretty much half of the cheaters..
Well, that's the reason I've written the article. If you take a look on the first sentences you should notice that me annoy the same thing.

About the "forget thingie". There are still around 190 busts which are waiting for being worked on. That's the result of making up the busts of the the time nobody did anything.
Ok, I edited it. Does it suit your needs better now, Master?
It's funny how people care about my opinion.
it doesnt mean bcz he posts his ex-clans etc on his proflie, he has no friends in real life.
Read again, I didn't say that.
Quote by wesboI don't think I'm special, but I see all these nice profiles and well I had to do something about it! I don't have fancy quotes of people calling me a cheater :(, I don't have fancy photoshop skills, I don't have a huge list of achievements or a nice list of ex clans.. What do I have? I have this brilliant girl and I've got the best friends in the world. So what do I put on my profile? The things I do have!

My interpretation in that case :)
Blistering barnicles. You are the kind of fellow with thin arms and looking for some attention that will not never come up.
Spot on dude!
Dalijk staan ze nog voor je deur en vragen ze om bewijs dat je er eergister avond was.
Vanaf nu af aan maar constante beveiligingsopnames maken zodat ze die kunnen checken :( heb ik altijd een alibi!!
thanks for the support wesbo :O
Thought killing my clan and quiting EC for my own suspections would be enough..
:/ please dont take the "flame" personal, but it felt like you guys are some kind of cult us "normal" people should look up to..
none taken ive been away 5 days just seemed a bit harsh :)
Just see it as exam stress!
No money, no win.
THE cheatbusters?
can I join?
mbudget for cheatbusters!!!
QuoteHow to become a cheatbuster?
Well, we aren't in need of any more member as the ammount of members is enough to deal with the current workload. In case we need new members, of couse we prioritize the people who helped and reported all the time.
mmh Does someone need to be a member to code or to design? We are looking for someone who would do some work which isn't comparable to the work of a "cheatbuster" by itself.
Yuo, teh chiitbustarZ!
In what respect is this project different from what pbbans.com is doing?
pbbans is banning guids from servers. We're banning people from leagues.
hmm i could possibly make a website so u can add bans through irc - !ban <nick> <today's date> <proof> and it updates it to the website but i'm too lazy soz :<
I guess the time we have invested is more than "a lot of hours".
we'll give you amnesty if you make an uberpro site for us!
Beats me, but we still got someone :)
Nice to see cheatbusters expanding :) Doing a great jub uptill now! Keep on the nice work!
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