moviemaker wanted .. ! :p

I asked Hentai if he would add any of my demos in his upcoming film, guess my frags were from to low opponents .. :p

I dont have so many ready , but i have the game-time of 8 different situations that fits real good..
Would be fun to see them in a good movie anyways..
So i therefore seek a good moviemaker that could throw something together of my shitty rifle , spawnkill , mine demos .. (from my old teams Act , Sub , noll8 , and my present sFx! .) opponents are mostly fakers and not dignitas, but i give them a bit of spanking! :)

mail me : [email protected] or find me in q-net

gl 1st
gl gob@r my love. :-) btw. add me x)
send me new test man 8) im superbored
go study math then imo
btw exams are over now.
foul math.
i have second and last try at in august! :>
:p sup the leet rifle from efterlyst and sweden =)
one of the best rifle ever and rly underrated , gogo gob@r !
hej gobar
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