pointless banning

Some retard keeps banning me from #6on6.et for no reason at all. If whoever keeps doing it sees this, you can suck my balls. good day
Dont spam to much.
same happening to me @ crossfire.nu :(
pointless journals
And good day to you, Sir.
Give me the time when you get banned :/ so I can see who's doing it and why he's doing it..
10 12·09 · 09ChanMode12 :10 exz^ 10sets mode12 [13 +b Axcess|TWL!*[email protected] 12]
10 12·09 ·10 This 12: [13 Axcess|TWL!*[email protected] 12] ban affects: 12: [13 Axcess|TWL 12]
10 12·09 · 09Kicks 12: 10Axcess|TWL 10was kicked from10 #6on6.et 10by 12[13 exz^ 12] 12: [13 Beware ! a Jew ! 12]
Session Close: Tue May 29 18:24:41 2007
Seems like a blacklist ban I'm not at home but when I find time :o I will talk to exz ok?
You are prolly globally banned from xonx-networks channels, for reasons such as:
1.Spamming or other stupid stuff
2.Caught cheating
3.Someone doesn't like you
or just hated by someone XD
I do anti-cheat for american leagues. soz m8
Axcess is neither a retard nor a busted cheater, rather the opposite of both.
welcome to the internetz
just change your ident // auth // nick :-)
If u get banned by host, it won't help :)

Only a new bnc would help.
if you are using a bnc then u can't change your ident
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