Koe cless

Hi, I'm Koe, and this is yet another forum in which i'm searching a clan.
I've now been cless for over 1 month and it is starting to get boring.
Mixed wars are just way too mixed :s.

That is why i just give it another try:

I'm a
-med skilled players
-in search of a med skilled 6o6 team
-for the summerseason and more
-When i finish my exams for this year i will be avi as good as every day at evenings and probably afternoons mostly as well

-I can be ingameleader
-I am an omniclasser: medic, fops, engi, covie, every class (except heavy weapons!).
-I'm an objective player not a rambo damage dealer.

I want a clan which has a pretty stable lineup (at least 4 players should have been the same for some time!)

if you need anything else to know please qry me for more info!
you can post a message here on crossfire in my inbox
contact my via xfire: gaylordvalt
msn: [email protected]
or just shout very loud out of ur window, maybe i'll hear it :)

P.S. i'm 16 years old, becoming 17 this year
QuoteHi, I'm Koe, and this is yet another journal in which i'm searching a clan.

ffs no journal

:< *runs with his head against the wall* :<
#fif.gaming np
WTF is that?
qly test, where you die by FIF.jere's rifle grenade
hmm ofc. was lotto imo

EDIT: it was just a joke, the guys of fif are rly friendly :)
r they med? but real med not med- or low+ if yes maybe i'm interested
low+ / med-
Team 2: low+
Team 1: med-/med
`good luck koetje, we moeten weer es 2on2 rifle doen <33
ja jij bent echt een gaylord, viese emo.
och gij se leluken aap
Very good player =) GL
"r they med? but real med not med- or low+ if yes maybe i'm interested "

Koe, je bent zelf geen echte Med.
Snorrie, maar het is zo.

Veel succes :)
en dat moeten we horen van eens echte med skiller
Heb ik gezegd dat ik med ben =D ?
Nee, toch ?!
Wat zit je dan te kakkûh?
veel meer med dan ge denkt
zijn aim is mss goed maar zijn brain compenseert da
image: dwarsekoe

yup that's him
u missed me tbh: i'm the guy on the right of the attentionwhorekoe
GL Koe m8 :D
take him clans, great guy!
dont let him shoot riflenades imo
Koe @ Med+

staat der ni he :)
uw tactics zijn med+
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