Something wrong in my script

Guys help me with that script.. i dont know why it doesnt work..

bind f8 "vstr lul"
set lul "vstr teamz1"
set teamz1 "bind f9 vstr teamz11; echo ^7te^1a^7m a^1x^7is;set lul vstr teamz2"
set teamz11 "team r;class m 1; vstr respawnaxis; set teamz exec autoexec_axis"
set teamz2 "bind f9 vstr teamz22; echo ^7te^1a^7m all^1i^7es;set lul vstr teamz3"
set teamz22 "team b; class m 1; vstr respawnallied; set teamz exec autoexec_allies"
set teamz3 "bind f9 vstr teamz33; echo ^7te^1a^7m sp^1e^7c;set lul vstr teamz1"
set teamz33 "team s;set teamz exec autoexec_spectator"

when i want to join allies i join and 1 sec later i join to axis.. The question is what's wrong?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
yea i'm 1st btw
bind Home "team r 1 8; vstr axis"
bind INS "team b 1 8; vstr allies"
bind PGUP "team s; vstr spec"
set axis "echo ^c-^e-^6-[ ^7Axis ^6]-^e-^c-"
set allies "echo ^c-^e-^6-[ ^7Allies ^6]-^e-^c-"
set spec "echo ^c-^e-^6-[ ^7Spectator ^6]-^e-^c-"
but i like my script.. just what's wrong;p

set x "bind y vstr z"

cant work imo
but it work... only in allies is something wrong:/
try this

bind f8 "vstr lul"
bind f9 "vstr lol"
set lul "vstr teamz1"
set teamz1 "set lol vstr teamz11; echo ^7te^1a^7m a^1x^7is;set lul vstr teamz2"
set teamz11 "team r;class m 1; vstr respawnaxis; exec autoexec_axis"

set teamz2 "set lol vstr teamz22; echo ^7te^1a^7m all^1i^7es;set lul vstr teamz3"
set teamz22 "team b; class m 1; vstr respawnallied; exec autoexec_allies"

set teamz3 "set lol vstr teamz33; echo ^7te^1a^7m sp^1e^7c;set lul vstr teamz1"
set teamz33 "team s; exec autoexec_spectator"
doesn't work

soz then i cant help

ask perfo maybe :PPPP
bind x team r
bind x team b
bind x team s

enough imo, autoexecs will be loaded when joining a team.
how to you vstr allies or spectators? :\
rofl @ erasing your stats
thats the worst scripting ive ever seen

set TSFTWPT1 "echo ^7te^1a^7m a^1x^7is; team r; class m1; vstr respawnaxis; bind f9 vstr TSFTWPT2"
set TSFTWPT2 "echo ^7te^1a^7m all^1i^7es; team b; class m1; vstr respawnallied; bind f9 vstr TSFTWPT3"
set TSFTWPT3 "echo ^7te^1a^7m sp^1e^7c; team s; exec autoexec_spectator; bind f9 vstr TSFTWPT1"
bind f9 "vstr TSFTWPT1"

will work much better

next time dont even bother
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