

most of you wont be familiar with this I'm afraid, but here goes nothing.

When I do /in_restart in Quake3 it gives me a report in console, which says it's checking (or not) for direct input. in_mouse 1 checks for direct input and in_mouse -1 skips the direct input check, leaving you without direct input.
When I do /in_restart @ Enemy Territory, it gives you nothing, not even a "unknown cmd"or smth.

okok when I move my mouse, the cursor moves so what the hell I'm whining?

I tell you.

I changed my registry values (2,2,5), I have a nice smooth feeling in ET which I like although it doesn't make me pr0, but no setting will make me :d. I just like these settings. BUT when I play Quake now, it's awfull!! Very annoying acceleration (while in ET I haven't got acceleration).
If I do in_mouse -1 in Quake/cpma, and then in_restart, it feels pretty much the same as ET BUT then my mouse4 doesn't work! (= rail o_o)

Can someone tell me how to get direct input in ET or how to get my mouse4 working with in_mouse -1? Because I don't feel like changing registry stuff every time I switch games... Or would changing the registry everytime (need a reboot after that) be the easiest way? I mean, even when I play with default windows settings, the problem remains that ET and Quake have a different method of mouse input...

grtzz :d
bind i "railgun" in drivers i=mouse4
vid_restart imo
try mf_init from anir or mf_hybrid
was considering mf_init, but that changes my ET feeling I think :d

Is mf_hybrid the opposite of mf_init by any chance?
Never tried it, so can't help you there :D
cheers anyway :)
if you find out how let me know... i had these probs aswell :[

btw I recall a program that lets you bind buttons on your keyboard, and rebinds them to your mouse4, but can't find it anywhere :<
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