Cpc 3. Full sponsored.


I wrote a journal earlier today to see whats going on among the players and cpc3.

I didnt get much info from it, so im now making this forum post.

I am NorwaySnuble, played at SHGopen and cpc2, eurocup, nationscup and random cups. (just some info for those who dont know me)

I have been so lucky, to get in touch with a mgc, who has a huge financial support. This mgc wants to send a ET team to cpc3, with full support.

We are talking player contracts to make sure both parts do their job. The players play the game and goes to lans, the mgc pays the bills. (flight, entrance, hostel.. maybe even food&drinks)

It all depends on one thing. The strength of the squad.

The mgc does not want to send any team to cpc3, so they demand a highly skilled squad, and online results during the summer.

Now I am searching for the players to fulfill this squad.

What i need is:
1 skilled rifle.
1 skilled fieldop
2 skilled medics.

If you arent good enough for EC, you arent good enough for this team. I am not gonna take in anyone I can outaim or outplay. I demand myself to be one of the worst players of this team. If not it wont work out the way I want. (this sound strange and stupid.. but its the truth.. think what u want about it).

When it comes to what mgc, what sponsor etc. It will all be public very soon. I need my guys by the next few days. So dont wait on sending me a msg on mirc.

Btw. The team will be public on friday.
:O GL! :D
ur duumed
I would love to play, but I'm afraid I'm too noob :p

Good luck, Snuble!

Edit: I see that you only are searching for 4 players. Who's the 2nd one? :p
good luck snuble... the plan sounds nice.
ask hummel
Good luck Snuble !
gL Snuble, looking forward to seeing you at CPC3 again. :O)
it all depends if i get good enough players. if not i find it hard to belive i will go..

but im hoping for the best:>
GL med å finne spillere <3
good luck, nice to see some motivated gangsters
u wont make it until friday, no good players avi atm
u have played max. 2 days with the team and then u want to announce it friday?
doesnt sound like the act of a good mgc (taking in a brandnew squad)

gL + hF
We will announce the lineup on friday. But thats only to have something to start with. Most of the skilled players know eachother abit allready, so u can take in 6 guys and have a feeling if they will fit together or not.

Anyway, this is to have something to work on.
pumu and ernie for line up np :o
Interesting :)
Estonia indu (rifle)
Estonia pela (medic)
Estonia deadeye (field op)
Finland Iratou (medic)

oh no wait they are mine hehahohu
He said good enough for EC, plx! :[
thats why I listed these four, but he cant get them anyway because they are mine hehahohu
You should've listed jkzz. Oh wait, it's LAN! :<
jkzz = lan only nigga
he sucks ass on ettv too, hes a punk
+ he is busted + banned ;)
Nou Viax, grijp je kans
Ik ben niet goed genoeg voor EC, dat weet je toch. Ik ben niet eens goed genoeg voor team NL!
Melodic Death Metal plx.
Wat een teringlijer is die perfo toch ook!
:< noone trusts me anymore :<
well done =)

gl for that team ;)
who is with you allready?
gl snuble, cu@cpc3
next cpc3 and EC winners for sure.

this mgc should get a real stable clan that is playin high maybe pro5 squad could be fine.. or j52 team if their mgc doesn t offer this fully coverage.
is it mylegend?
Or iLx with their 1000 guaranteed.
haha, shh! thats intern news!
roistot wasnt a multigaming clan iirc...
sry i mean Dsky
If u'r not able to create a succesful team pm any of the opped players @ #sereNity-gaming we are in need of support for cpc III.
gaat serenity meedoen dan met cpc3?
Is wel een doel van ons ja.
Maar goed dat je weet op wat voor niveau we spelen!
i'm very aware of the fact that you play at whats called high level
i'm also very aware of the fact that you don't stand a chance against REAL highskillers.
ben jij ff lekker aware! verder kijken dan dat je neus lang is dan ben je pas aware!
Take LoTiX.
I CAN GO TO CPC AND IM HIGHSKILLED! Except I'm banned untill november but I'm sure my megamate TosspoT will be willing to overlook this.
there is like a negative guest list (blacklist) for the 1s who cant get in if ur banned by cb and esl? like you get kicked out of the hall cous of cheating on inet? xD
CB Banned players aren't allowed to go to CPC! Even though it would give me(us) a great chance to prove ourselves.
cant you even "spectate" ?
Hmm don't think so!
They can spec, we just dont welcome hackers to the tournament
I wonder what team fullsponsors a new team in a game like enemy territory. :O
there's a difference between clans who tell a team to sponsor them and clans who actually do it. :P

we already had the money :(
if we have a team by then hMg will go

we have the fully support of our management
we could already go with cpc2 but we didnt got a spot

but atm its only me isen and x :(
never played ec but i'm avi :D
maybe but gL
2 cool 4 lanz, soz
18:55.53 •• opped in #d&b #et-norge #legend.pv #lpk #morrigu #wolfenstein.no

18:56.05 •• text: royal, beasty, day_, pulza, mitti, snuble. ---Lets test it out
18:56.05 •• set by: ( Snuble ) on ( Tue Jun 05 18:45:50 2007 )

good luck & have fun :DDD
mitti :DDDDD
Stop teasing mitti he's cute :<
he got zeh incredible teamplay oder wie war das
hab log nicht mehr :[
sorry snuble, but why the hell do you consider taking cheaters?

gl with your project though.
hehe.. dont worry. I wont=)

swine can post what he want:> i havent taken in anyone.

those are the first 4 guys PM me, and ive decided to use time on testing several players.. :> I will mostly go after players i know is very good, but i dont know the entire scene, so i gotta test out something to right?

so when 4 guys pm me, i though..hey, ill test it out in a 6on6..

who is the cheater?
beAsty was once honoured with a thread here on xfire.

thanx for the info.
What's with ur team ?
I mean d&b they aren't good enough ?
Or aren't u in the clan anymore ?
yeah sure, i used to test loads of players too for any of the teams i was in. on the one hand it seems to be the fairest way, as there are quite some players out there who'd deserve playing in a better team but simply don't get any chance.

on the other hand most guys i got to know under these conditions turned out to be unreliable tards, cheaters or just stupid kids who won't take "this stupid dead game" serious. well, i just have to think of the o6 trialing times, nothing reflects my current opinion of enemy territory's community better than that period.

you just have to be damn careful about whom you are willing to recruit for the squad.
first of all, regarding guys like mitti: he scarcely passed his tenth birthday afaik and was a member of the infamous team plasa squad. though there has never been any real proof ( just some demos, there're even some recorded by me ), i'd be rather careful about those guys. they might turn out to be hardly what they pretend to be online.

furthermore, i'd not like to play with any guy who's hobby is to crash public teamspeak servers which are frequently used by the entire austrian community ( and are financed by one single person ). not that kind of mature behaviour i'd expect from someone i'd take with me on a LAN trip...

secondly there is beasty - ah yes, whatever, as he says he's not guilty at all! sure...

if i was totaly clean i'd act like he did too: first of all let all peeps know that it's not your guid posted in the allegation thread. after someone posting your ESL account which shows exactly that guid entered, just claim that someone must have faked your guid ( as there are shitloads of lamers around who'd fake any guy who was just there but absolutely nothing special ). at last, the best step might be just to argue that you actually HAD to put that file in your ET folder as it simply wouldn't work without it anymore.

if someone has such a perception of reality... well, what to say, i just don't trust him.

anyway, just one further sidenote:
there are soooo many guys around saying md5toolmismatches just don't say anything. i'll just give you one simple example what a md5 check does ( i hope those sums are right, i just programmed a small algorithm ).

the key "beAsty" results in a md5 checksum of:
a3e8bc040a018a8a62b93bb87d98d7cc (base 16)
which equals 217872589597136217127608844680848529356 ( decimal )
or 101000111110100010111100000001000000101000000001100010101000101001100010101110\
01001110111011100001111101100110001101011111001100 (binary).

ok let's just change a marginal thing:
let's use the key "beasty" and it will result in:
83e1b24752a01a3c88298a8a0f262f7e (hexadecimal)
175300750160674626911554879248650350462 (decimal)
01100010101000101000001111001001100010111101111110 (binary)

if anyone knows what that is, just check the hamming difference of those two results.
the conclusion: IF punkbuster uses MD5 checks, it can simply be trusted! excuses like " oh, i just had a corrupted file in my directory, dunno why this red triangle appears for me now " are just DAMN ridiculous.

supporting cheaters by keeping to offer them spots in teams kills / killed the whole game. gG
Nice reply.!

I totaly understand what u are saying.

I can never be 100% that a player doesnt cheat.. if i should be 100% sure, they would have to play in my house, on my comp while I watched them..

What I can do is trying to get a bunch of players i like to play with. Players i belive is clean etc.

Ill do my best..
haha mitti xD
who is that you?
English please?
funny that u are laughing:>

im looking forward to see u in a cpc3 team.
I don't even play ET anymore mate, so no you wont find me in any CPC3 team. I was laughing at mitti being in that topic because you clearly state " EC Skill Only " and miTTi definately isnt EC skill =]
I say that I am only looking for EC skilled players. And not only EC skilled, but top of EC skill..

cause if u have two lowbies like me and mitti in the team, u need the top aimers to make the team ok>
I'm pretty sure if you waited a bit longer you could find a decent replacement for mitti though, but its your team =p
wie der swine wieder alles zerfickt hier!
swine is einfach nur ownage oknp ?
ich hab heute Q in nen chan geholt in dem nur 8 idler waren. DAS! ist ownage junge ;)
your wrong.

There arent any mgc who want to send a new team without results.

There is a mgc who demands great results before they send the team.

I have got the job to build that team, then get the good results during this summer, and then they will send the team if the results is as they demand. and dont worry. written contracts u know..
And what "great" competition is there in the summer to prove how good u are?
not many.. but maybe some ETmasters? some 6on6 cups with good teams? there will be enough time. belive me:>
Let's hope it for you =)
maybe CB summercup
I doubt it, why the hell would mYm have anything to do with ET...

They also turned down a team back in 2004.
mgc showoff :P

j/k goodluck

although i agree with FDJ it's quite ridiculous for a mgc to take in a team without any previous results and with only snuble's promiss of forming a good team. would have been better to just take pro5 for example
read dirk.. the mgc will only provide for them after seeing good results. they sign a contract where a goal is being set and if the goal is met the mgc will bide by their contractual obligation to provide the costs for sending them to a lan. if they dont reach it, the mgc will not spend a dime.. easy enough imo
if thats the case I wish snuble all the luck he needs to set up a team strong enough to live up to the expectations of an mgc which would spend that much money on an ET team.
olBaa? he is avi and really skilled.
but lan only not
how do you know?
he was in myhome and tested my comp -> goes to bio and kling kling 50 acc 50 hss.
but public dosent tell anything.
gl snuble
if there won't be WS monitors i can play

edit: gl findin ;]
it is myLegend ? or why would the private channel be #legend.priv ?
will be a mgc with a cod2 team
did i say that ?

imo myLegend is a joke, i just wanted to mention that they going to join myLegend as their private channel is called "legend.priv"... nothing more.
modus, efax, mize, aza
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