new custom sw map: WARBELL

After several months of heavy mapping things have come to a happy end... and now

Its time for the the Allies to save the world, to fight back evil Axis troops messing in the occult...
with full cast of caves, crypts, an old Abbey, and a dastardly occult ceremony...
its time to toll the


Axis are trying to mess in the occult again, and do real nasty things. Allied special forces took over the occult site in a raid. Now the Axis attack to get back control over the old Abbey and finally raise the evil Wargod. Allies are on the mission to save the world from this of course.

Core facts:
Axis attacking
18 mins timelimit
spawntimes are 15s Axis, 20s Allies
multiple access routes to all objectives
gameplay honed towards fast and intense battle
optimized for stopwatch with slightly offenese biased settings
gametypes: stopwatch, single map objective
map design... check out the pictures below
loads of special effects
framerates will be constant 76 FPS everywhere for average computer systems (1.2GHz CPU/ 512mb RAM/ Ge4 TI4600 128mb gets at least 50 FPS in the bad areas)
nighttime setting but bright enough to see and kill the opponents

First stage:
- gain access to the Guardhouse (2 access routes: caves and road)
- maybe slip through the teamdoors with stolen uniforms
- capture the flag or
- destroy the Guardhouse Gate (secures forward spawn)

Second stage:
- use dynomite to gain access to the Hidden Room
- take the Book of Death from it's glass case and
- deliver it to the Altar in the sacrifice room of the Abbey
- destroy the gates in the Abbey for faster access (2 dynamitable, 1 satchelable and one teamdoor, none of them rebuildable)
- repair the Bell Mechanism up in the belltower
- ring the Warbell (after you built the mechanism AND after you delivered the objective)
- sacrifice three axis players to the Wargod in the Inner Sanctum
- optional: forward spawn at a neutral command post

Tactical Overview

image: warbell_tacticaloverviewsm

Gameplay and playerloads:
In 7 playtests we had with up to 26 players Warbell provided us with an amazingly captivating gameflow, and real fun games.
The stages are defendable, but with a balance that allows attackers to overcome the defense in some waves.
Its plays very good with 10-18 players, and becomes happy large-scale fraggin with 20 and more players. No idea what the maximum playerloads are but at some point it will be just one massive frag fest.

Download & hosting servers
Get the mapfile with etpro-cm-shaders and readme here

You can play the map on our server:
IP: - ]UBC[ |TheRiver| 6maps
location: UK
slots: 18+2
We are running 2 special Warbell-campaigns for the next few days with Warbell and a few other good maps.

But look for yourself... here come the pictures!

View towards the Guardhouse
image: warbell_release06sm

Backside of the Guardhouse, in the 2nd stage (nice foam carnage) 8-)
image: warbell_release08sm

The Caves that lead towards the Guardhouse and from the Guardhouse to the Graveyard
image: warbell_release15sm

Guardhouse and Guardhouse stairs - either get up here for the flag, or destroy the Guardhouse Gate
image: warbell_release13sm

Hidden Room in the Guardhouse - here the Book of Death was locked away (book by EB, painting by Kach-->)
image: warbell_release14sm

View at the old Abbey
image: warbell_release19sm

View at the old Abbey with Crypt Gate from the Graveyard
image: warbell_release19asm

View at the Belltower with the Warbell (thx EB!), you can see the Warbell Mechanism at the platform
image: warbell_release03sm

Abbey Main Hall looking towards the entrance room of the Inner Sanctum
image: warbell_release04sm

In the crypts... here be MONSTERS (no kidding)
image: warbell_release01sm

Abbey Church where the monks prayed that guarded the evil site for centuries
image: warbell_release05sm

Inner Sanctum and Bellrope on the first level - go here to toll the Warbell:
image: warbell_release10sm

Inner Sanctum and Altar - Axis need to put the Book of Death here to open the Sacrifice Portals:
image: warbell_release18sm

Inner Sanctum and Sacrifice Portals - the Wargood is already awaiting a Sacrifice (orange portal) and Allies try to keep Axis away from the portal:
image: warbell_release20sm

Inner Sanctum and Sacrifices - one Axis player just made it into the portal sacrificing himself to the Wargod:
image: warbell_release21sm

General info, Credits, Thanks

>>> playtesting and feedback
a HUGE credit for all the playtesting goes to the clans
M8D --- =FBF= --- -=B|D=-

and all the players who participated in one or more of the 7 private playtests
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