Wanna know what he's really thinking?


/care if this one is old as well ^^

everybody has to see this movie,
specially the lost one is great xD

"well, as soon as she learns to swalloing without gagging and take it up the ass without crying, 'll think we move forward"
not even going to watch
not even going to watch
not even going to watch
It's only 1.50 min you losers :p
If you whank 1.50 min less you have the time. ;)

Like you got somethings betters to do in your boring little life behind your pc XD ;)

jk foke
im waiting 4 a girl to come and mount me. 100% better life than you.
soOO agree with you
Sure, whatever makes you happy
not going to watch .. O.o
not going to watch =/
not even going to watch
pretty nice actually :p
not even going to watch
hahahaha thats hilarious :D:DDD

I have to say that to my girlfriend xD

e: ur translations has some mistakes. np.
yeah i lol'ed at the last one
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