storm force - CBeu cheaters?

So, today we played some cb ladder official against that clan, everything would be nice expect the thing they all cheated. They must had been using cheats for one of first times, cuz they didnt know how to stay looking like normal players..
Their Accouraties were like 50% on every map...

We asked them about demos and they said they wont send it and we should use wolfam to check if they cheated or not


they guy who cheated the most had 10 days long guid, and his old cb guid is impossible to ffind on yawn..

and their other player - aamir -

you can see nice guid in there .. 53X45206.
looks he was that stupid and didnt know guids are from A to F characters :P

we dont have their demos but you can see ours if yto want to see some nice actions from them :D

for example, check mine demos on frost 2nd round when monolo owned us @ main .. :)

edit: download my pov and watch frostbite second round ! it owns!

btw. on demo you can see couba player, he never needs more than 5 bulletos to kill someone :> check and rate! - better avi (tnx mind!) avi nr3 , co comments! :p or
ask bulld0g
avi or it didn't happen
I like the GUID with the X in it, it looks cool!
And pro! I think all highskilled players have X in their guids!
From the CB rules:

"All players are required to record full ineyes demos of themselves in all matches. In the event that a supervisor requests demos of a specific person, failure to do so will result in a forfeit loss for the affected match. When a supervisor requests demos for the clan itself, the clan leader's (or the highest ranking member's) demos will be taken. Demos do not have to be uploaded, but kept for the duration of the season."

Get an admin to request their demo's...
50 acc aint anything special but the other stuff u say sounds shady

anyway if they didn't have right guids, u can make a conflict, but I guess these guys really hax having impossible guids :)
it's a bit surprising if all 6 players get 50% acc though wouldn't you say?
Totaly depends on your opponent.
No offence spirea, but why you got like 8 guids changing?
//1st account
26 Sep 2006 11:19 ****91BE6D41 Other PC
10 Apr 2007 12:22 ****6C222474 hihi

//2nd account
18 Sep 2005 13:09 ****55E1464F do I really need to put in reason why I set the guid here first time...
11 Mar 2006 14:58 ****92240243 New hard disk where I installed xp and ET
16 Jan 2007 14:33 ****6C222474 New PC
27 Jan 2007 22:11 ****E5D58241 format of PC and installing ET on different partition
23 Feb 2007 02:09 ****6C222474 format
9 Apr 2007 19:44 ****DCD3BF43 no idea!

Hmmmz? talking about that
Onoo, we have a hacker. Maybe I can though help you, first of all Spirea has like 3 diff computers which already gives him many guids and then new comps and hds, not that much of a surprise
Jip Thats It !!!!!!!!1111
format dont give u new guid
idc actually i only say i think its a little bit suspicious
it isn't any big surprise that I'm online only, is it :D ?
Dunnow if you went to lan etc, idc either i only say u got many guids nothing more ::P
I'm just curious if my guids are clean, why is it suspicious :D ?
hmmm its like 9 guids and i don't know why u have them. i mean i dont believe the reasons
ok then, why don't u believe them and what else could it be :D ?
mayb u ever hacked or smth dont know rlly :P
what would it change if I got many guids then :D ?
Spirea su you make it hard for me :P
Find a supervisor or bulldog,they cant say we dont send demo...we played them for ladder,it was easy bash for us,but i believe you,since you never know...
Are they not already busted?

Anyway played them recently and [imo] they were very suspect. Bogey was the one name i remember being so obvious he might as well have been spamming chat with "Nexus Owned..."

We beat them first map then >> kick so np
No demos=>forfeit, so you won np :p
And ask bulld0g idd.
"Nice strafe"
no h4x imo.
nice music xDDD

edit: clear wallhack, almost norecoil ban imo
i smell heinZi:

btw none of their CB-accounts is older than 2 months...
Been aamir and bogeys clanleader in nw, they are big ego kids.
also if you v got luck bogey forgot to record as he usually does ;), and i wouldn't be suprized if they got hax.
lol aamir newb u go cheat to get skilled omfg noob
well you don't need to accept the result when they dont send their demos, just make a conflict and they have to send their demos eventually to an admin, if they cant send them you get a win and make a topic at crossfire with all these stats and they are still considered as hackers.
nice avi, you can really see a big hax!!!
nice avi, tho it lags on my pc. But its pretty obvious that its cheats.
I knew they hax!!!1
lol mikä biisi :D:D:D
they had alot of members that cheated , dunno now but i guess they still do
ok nerds. i will send my demos and we will see if u find anything.
Your hostile attitude makes you even more suspicious
says the biggest nerd. Go and hack scumm!
well, monolo made 11 kills on last round which took 1:40.. you made 0 , so you think your demos will be enough?
Your guidspoofed guid is enough proof.
rofl @ your guid containing X.
pls at least get a clue before trying to cheat.
In the 1st round of braundorf there was an interesting situation - ~9:30, you were using capslock, but when you saw (I guess ;]) that I will throw the nade - you ran away without capslock. (AVI) - anyway, you could hear it or guess ;]

One more thing - your teamchat after the end of frostbite (manolos rampage). But OK, this could be a joke.

At the moment only you and Easr sent us demos, we're waiting for more.
he clearly doesn't know to use his WH :p
offcourse - althougt i ain't believing a shit of it, but i don't say spirea cheats.
Omg clear hax!
Bulld0g is in t4ce :OOOOOO
wat 2/3 months ago. shite proof
Hi kris.
I think having an X in your guide proves quite much :-]
*And having the same guid but just swaping the last letter betwen E and C x-DD
*And the Avi is ....HILLarious.
i said thx for coming. He said thx for losing in teamchat cuz he didnt want to hurt yr feelings because some1 had already done enuff damage.
for that avi. come up with a better 1. thats like recording a lotto nade...
We've got better, made by Mind.
Guess your joking, otherwise welcome to ET, the exit is that way.
and is that of me? no
As I said, we needed demos from Manolo, especially.
and i told u to use wolfcam or w/e u used worked.
what ur whining about wolfcam, demos = demos
not whining u rtard.
Dont stay on the pc too long .
Daddy might be behind u with a big stick.
Whose the lil kid now. fuckn twat
rofl, that does matter a lot now.
You don't seem to understand very much... YOU are obliged to give them the demos if they request so.
im given my demos u dumbass and they found shit. apart from their clan member who tried nading me cuz he knew i was there
Either your joking with me or you realy realy should buy a brain.

All of you must send all your demos.

So you sent them demos and they found that one of their own is throwing wh nade? :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Ok my final comment.
I bet 90% of u rtards who have posted here have cheated yourselves. Get a life ent posting here again until the next flame

stop posting comments without arguments and that requires not more than the intellect of an hampster to write.
what are you trying to say ?
tnx, it owns !
aamir i come to your house
come to mine!
what you give!?
Edit: Ban pls,
Nice song btw :XD
played vs some Aamir quite a time ago, was so obvious :)
born 1990.
vingular as "Hi John Doe!".
check new avi ! its madness
The newest avi rox xDDDDD
:SDD maleficus hax fo sho :d
rofl u lame gits.....accusing me of aim bot? Lol? thats a joke......if u get owned u get owned.....calling everyone a cheat u even called Gs a cheat Refering to the logs.....(first few lines) i take it everyone u play cheats yeh....l seriously lame
and btw all u can see frm ur demo's is that killer.....geralt ...wolcat is the worst clear fuking wallhacker yet u accuse us...seriously polish
Skilled writer.

Btw check the avi
I am pretty sure we'll see him as a writer for some big ass site sometime soon....
.net star.. its funny a band of 16 years old kids has so many to say, try leaving house sometime and talk like that to older people
if u knew us or ever had been on our TS. U wouldnt say that
I would, lol

cry me a river ..again yeh

tbh xeon u are a fuking retard...and u would nt have the guts to come on our ts cause u sound like i gt a cock stuck down ur throat or bene smoking for 300 years. You are a funny little belgian nerd when u was born and was that when u was in Nw and left and cried cause u sucked and gtt bullied....and tbh u still too the likes of u sunshine its nt worth it.You are just "the man " on plz dnt forget when we owned ur god damn clan with 3 etpub players on your own server so wp....
well this thread explains quiet well how u did :o

plz i am not listening to justin timberlake.

I have been enough with you on teamspeak servers to know who you really are, you would be suprised of yourself.
this game is predominantly for children ....and children play it . So if u say that "mr mature" wtf are u 40 and wwtf are u doing playing ET at your age plz go get a gf and get laid.or is this another case of ur left ball being better looking than ur face
This game aint just for children, I mean americans killing germans. Aint a childs game tbh.

EDIT: HI!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDD (Busted) ? :(
+ these guys are complete hypocrits..this guy admits he hacks ..thought we forgot eh :)

Notice the "i have cheats"
Get new sarcasm detector. Was funny that you requested demos from the whole clan after we said that we need especially Manolos and Scythers. Probably you thought that we didn't record... you were wrong.
Ok my final comment.
I bet 90% of u rtards who have posted here have cheated yourselves. Get a life ent posting here again until the next flame
Agh give random pubretards hax and get med+ clan, yeah right, could these people be more obvious?
so u waste id say roughly 2 hours making this post just to tell aloada people who dont care and wont do nefin that a bunch of guys hack wen u havnt even got propa proof... i feel sorry for ya m8 ur wasting ur time + et is full of hackers now days.... especially the polish.

Your sincerely Andreas (accused of hacking 5 times and still playin on CB and everywhere else lol)
The only proof are these avi's, they didn't give us all demos... as you can read above. I had created the match conflict because of this, not because of the Manolo's multihack (but I had written about this).
"etnies is a fkin caravan owning gypsey cock juggling thunder cunt" :DDDDD
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