Second clip

K, this is my second clip
Mind was the first and whined alot,
so i made a clip of him which i'm uploading atm


//As i'm now lacking a bnc, you can contact me #ultimate after 18-00 cet
what kind of?
I can't wait!
najs w8ing for your clip3 :> pmme
I've changed few things in my cfg.
Changed alot in the technologue
The clip is showing only 2 fragmoments :)
Uploading to rapid, just a min
well first was quite good quality, but still hope you changed "r_colorbits 16" to 32...afaik its that cmd

ps: cant dl @ mom dl-limit reached, and don't want to wakeup my brother by resetting the rooter:P
Hmm, second movie recorded with colorbits 32, dont remember aboout the first one
hmm well dunno then...(am i wrong) or are those hit-smokes still green? (nice quality though, but its just irritating me)
dont over do it with the effects
full fragmovie coming soon?
Nice, though isn't Mind busted/banned? :/
I didnt care for that because i had really no time. I still have 4 hours t sleep be4 my workday start :)
Ah, because I think your moviemaking skills are worth more than cheater clips :P
Soon more of my production :)
Pm me if you want me to put your frag into my next movie
(and no rifle frags please)

Please leave informative comments!
fuck you
Well done, Gagarin!
I was impressed by the music
vitun homot mindille on pieni
edit: not impressed

Retard cheater get life! ;MDMMDMD;D;D;SlAD;:SD:,
That's just bullshit.
n1 quality
i think it was nice, but the first clip had better quality :)
I'm still finghting with the size and compression settings and trying different ways of creating a movie.
Mind = lowskill

pls make my movie o/
oh please dude let me make it? :(
wow im inda clip :o
mmm i bet my pc is too old for this shit, but like when i'm watching the clip, i can see like the world who's diein gor something, then i see the first image of ze fragmovie, and then it blocks, i do hear some cool music, and then the last 10 seconds of the 40 seconds long clip, i saw him shoot 2 guys, and then it fades away.. still n1 music as that is far the most i saw of the movie not regarding the credits which were very pro aswell, just a shame i didnt see ze movie :<
i played it with that :< didnt even try to do it with another program because vlc is ze best, but it will have to be my machine if everybody else can watch it properly :<<
Quotehavent never used hoax @ match

you just said you used hax in match
mind the cheater? : o
fuck ur father motha fUCka
What u didnt like?
bullshit , make better a full DVD-only video collection on 3 discs with all yawns+small avi about dunn0, cheaters in AD.RUS etc ngrplz , we are waiting like ages for it.
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