Format problem

Sry for bad quality ( can't screenshot the bios screen :x)

Something like this appears when I try to install windows xp on the hard drive with the Windows Installer ( blue screen )

It appears when I have to choose my hard disk ( on which should it be installed - new windows ) and my hard disks are not visible - can't choose which I want to be windows installed on.

Someone help me ?

I have vista windows - omfg noob I know
My hdd is Hitachi 250GB sata2 7200 rpm
Quotevista windows

theres your problem
noone can screenshot the bios screen.
have you installed sata drivers first?
I can't understand your language.
looks like RAM error
i've same shit twice and didn't solve it =) 300GB damaged space..

edit: copy SATA drivers to floppy (u've it on motherboards driver CD), after try to boot XP normally and there will be something in lower field ( if u want blablabla press F8 (im not sure)), press it choose floppy disc and w8
f6 i think :)
k =) it was a long long time ago
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