ettv halfscreen

wel since i have my new cfg i have this when i go to a ettv server

image: bugd2fp9

what i need to do to fix it ?

greetz karta
r_showsky 0
Hoi, still playing ET?
af en toeeehoehoehoheoehoeheohoe
try reinstall
new kind of ET map or hax :)
ty modus :)

oftewel dankjewel ;)

works again
Get new cfg?
no thats not hack r_shownormals 1

thats hax :p
cg_stopshowingthatannoyingsky 0
cl_DSky "1337"
problem is already solved ty ;)
just exec your config o.O
Haha nice config .. :)))))
I used to get that too, was never fixed, bought a new comp (NOT for that reason, so don't say that i'm crazy) But showsky 0 was the way I was viewing demos, kinda killed off my moviemaking tries =(
thats what tosspot means when he says 'i'll give you time to go half-screen if you need to'
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