Pink screen??

Whenever a friend of mine starts up ET the screen turns pink.
Reinstalling ET and updating videodrivers didn't had an effect. How can this be fixed??

* r_clear 0 doesn't work *

Problem is fixed :D
she u say :>

Give us more info like gfx, sys etc...
NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
AMD 1.05 Ghz
37,2 GB harddisk

its not caused by gfx fosho -played et too @ gf2 mx400
Its seems to me that's problem of shitted system... download some stuff that will clean it thoroughly or... if nothing help and *she* really want to play et... [nubbish tip now] Format C:\

btw. try drivers 43.xx - as i remember i played on them when i had my gf2 mx400

GL hope i would help u ::)
Grow up.
Got the same prob, probably comming from drivers.
nice stealing jokes, wnb..
cg_gayness 0 xD
r_clear 0
I do not know Kitty =o[
That dissapoints me :[ But I'll forgive you.
Nice edit!
Only you :D
Pff, are you trying to get me banned?! You're so mean =o[
i know i am! vanq undercover!! detected!
Amachod, it's chamiere!
try seta r_clear 0 :>
r_clear 0
Have it 2 but only a few secs when joining an ETTV server
reinstall graphics drivers, mainboard drivers, directx, update punkbuster and reinstall et
NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400

I was playing on such card...I would suggest to install some certificated drivers [whql] and not newest..Try 53.03 or lowest...
Check the direct x (run dxdiag and do some tests)...Maybe he was overtweaking the card/main board...

After all copy folders with profiles (wolfet/etmain/profiles/name of profile and wolfet/etpro [or other mod]/profiles/name of profile) to the safe place, then remove and create new profile with low spec so u will see if the problem is with configs or type cvar_restart to reset all settings to default

Thanks:) Hope it will work!
np :), the screen would be nice too...btw when it happened? Was it immediately or maybe he was playing with his cfg or discovering some servers?:>

b regards
Nothing special happened :o He used the same config he always uses. :[ I have no clue if he changed something, joined a weird server or w/e.
try to delete ur grafik driver first with Driver Cleaner and then try to install some driver with 52.XX or 53.XX (like Luk4 said)

hf :)
or you can try a omega drivers
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