few questions

well hi,

first i have some questions about a script.

i tried to make a script that if u hit mouse2 it would duck and activate. so if u gib someone u could hit mouse2 to take his weapon. but when i exec this script and hit mouse2 it ducks but doesn't activate. and all my stafes turn into leans. and if i dissable +activate leans it strafes with my leans :s

anyone can help or have a script like that ?

ok now question nr2

since today i have new mouse ( logitech mx revolution)


if u wanne know.

but if i use the scroll on the side it is the same as a normal scroll
and the left button on the side is the same a "v" say but i if i look how et calles it i went to controls and binded the button to moveforward and it said it name was crtl!?! ?

and if i say bind mouse5 kill then it doesn't work but my mouse got 8 buttons like wtf ?

anyonce can help ?
erm try bind mouse2 "+movedown; +activate"
well that was in the script and it causes that
try this then

set x1 "+movedown;+activate; set vstr x2"
set x2 "-movedown;-activate; set vstr x1"
bind mouse2 "+vstr x1 x2"
bind mouse2 "+vstr a b"
seta a "+movedown; +activate"
seta b "-movedown; -activate"


bind mouse2 "+movedown; vstr activate"

seta activate "+activate"
"+movedown; +activate; wait 10; -movedown; -activate" ?
b_noactivatelean 1

then try this script, no idea if it works

bind mouse2 "+vstr niggerscript1 niggerscript2"
set niggerscript1 "+movedown; +activate"
set niggerscript2 "-activate; -movedown"

one bug to this script however, you will only be able to pickup the weapon if you are near it the moment you crouch. to fix this i think you could do this

bind mouse2 "+vstr niggerscript1 niggerscript2"
set niggerscript1 "+movedown"
set niggerscript2 "+activate; -activate; -movedown"

whenever you crouch and stand up again you will immediately pick up the weapon..

do what you like
bind mouse2 "+movedown;wait 10; +activate;-activate;wait 10;-movedown"
bind MOUSE5 "cmd kill; say ^7kill"

revolution suxxxxx
You bought a shit mouse, destroy it and buy a mx518. problem solved.
well shiitty i have a life instead of u i use the mouse for other things to.
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