Final CB OC Div 2 JOKE

Hi guys, i though i was never post in here about this shit but hey this is hilarious.

Ok one week, not even a week, a few days before our 2 div OC final vs rY (royality) we found out that one of our main teamplayers JoE has
being banned by mens0, who is staff member and player of royality team and staff in Ok i got these reasons, check yourself:



if you see by yourself one ban is from 2006 sept. then the other is from 2007 may.

well based on the screenshoots, is says NO EVIDENCE in the PBBANS

Well what can i say at the cfg, it looks like a standar cfg, nothing new on cfg just plain like a babys ass, you can even see the grass and stuff :D,
just way too funny.

One cheatbuster admin told me that they have ips that match to him. I asked for them but so far so good i dont have them.

Well then i was like uh! ips lets check the dates :D

ok on CB you can see this on JoE's account:

Created on 6 Apr 2007 13:31
Modified on 18 Jun 2007 22:12

so JoE creates his account in april 6th of 2007 so if i dont mistake the screenshoots from 2006 doesnt match the dates, but the ips could.
Well show us the ips :D

Well the who is IP in google works great cuz i just paste the IP from the PBBANS caught on may 22 2006 ( and i get this info:

IP Address : [ ]
ISP : Telewest Broadband
Organization : Telewest Broadband
Location : GB, United Kingdom
City : Warrington, P2 -
Latitude : 53°38'33" North
Longitude : 2°60'00" West

well so far so good, this is his ip:

IP Address : [ ]
ISP : -
Organization : block for PI assignments
Location : GB, United Kingdom
City : Leicester, H4 -
Latitude : 52°63'33" North
Longitude : 1°13'33" West

both are in UK but not on the same city, not even same provider :S

So far the ip doesnt match, the pbguid and etpro guid doesnt match.

So can anyone explain me this?

Is this the way rY wants to try to win the OC final?

Dont forget that the guy that reported everything is mens0 playing for rY and a staff member of cheatbuster :D just everything to look like a conspiracy
:D. ok guys from clan MoH, we want hard evidences not just a plain random bans from a noob.

PD: sorry for the links and stuff, its my first topic and hopefully last. thanks
nice bust.
If he's banned, then the supervisors thought the evidence was conclusive.
mens0 doesn't have any hand in his banning, besides perhaps reporting him.
Maybe mens0 is making out hes a cheater because they want to win the OC final. That's a good point. but maybe JoE does cheat. Since there is NO evidence like a pbss. Demo Avi. Then there shouldnt be any ban. Cheatbusting cheating out of an OC cup? I dunno, But the main thing is, Mens0 will get enough support and stuff, You dont have a chance to win this argument.
you sir are an nolifer, you said a while ago you quit...
a while go was ages ago you fucking jew now shut up
I think CB don't need to show any evidence except the pbbans and the general stuff, they cant show you the clanbase logs where the Ip match is done, only bulldog can see them since he is the dude in the C&A. So just trust them. :D

EDIT: Dont trust these IP locators, they are shit.

EDIT2: Instead of asking rY if this is the way they win the OC I would ASK YOU, DO YOU REALLY NEED A CHEATER TO WIN AN OC?

EDIT3: Atleast I didn't get to see my evidence/proof when i got banned(the IP match). So
I doubt you will.
it's raskl aka nightwolf!
wait so just cuz one guy has the power of saying the IPS match he can ban anyone he wants :D

cool, i trust him np. BTW the screenshots look like a paintskill level for kids, the 2nd screenshoot looks like paint skill cuz the yellow guy is not all yellow :D look closely
then the other 2 screens just show a yellow and red dots :D

and BTW shitty arent you the one from rY banned?
Are you retarded? the pbss are valid aka untampered, and the dots are called ballhack.
First, we havent insult to anyone slajdan. People being retarded in real life need respect since they cant live by themselves. If PB screens are valid then ill upload some soon and we will try to see if they get banned :D

we are just arguing and debating this case.
You are speaking jabberish.


ban him for uncultivated language in a unwarned journal!

Ok, seriously. I don't know if you got me right or not, but the pbss included on the ban is true.
I'm not sure if I understand this case right but well ok...

U agree those 3 screenshots are joe's?
what screenshots are u going to upload?
do u know what tampered image means or how can u test if image is tampered?

btw, someone who got added just a few months ago sounds like a haxer to me already if he is playing that high
NO. there are many people in the C&A, bulldog is just one of them, and they make the decisions together.

EDIT: ye im the banned guy from rY. and?
we really dont care to win it or not, i already have realized that we wont be playing with JoE in the final. But hey, at least let everyone know whats going on on OC this season.
Don't know if there's any evidence, but he's still weird. :[
unexpected if u guys would get caught, so obvious guys ! :D
Olbaa....we have been playing wolf and et since you were a kid, so pls, the only noobs who suddenly get on premier an stuf are you guys, the ec4 gaming and visual......pls....we are playing together since more than a year, and if you get this info, and that we have been playing wolf & et like 5 or 6 years...what are you fucking talking about. Go home newbie.
Atleast I've heard so! =]
sad panda?
stop playing with raskl
HI pepper :D! I'm Sgt.Salt remember =D!
noyournot bitch
I am :< Chewdish.
fuck you knew this? :p
I knew that. Just wondering how you knew? Buddies at nC? =p
well we've been in some clans together, not for long though, but his real name is Joe :/ so Im just guessing tbh
he cheated so what is it u whining about?
Well he is now playing offi under fake name and deserves a permban.
He will get permabanned. I don't know how pepper knows this but that kid is indeed raskl, the retarded cheating cocaine sniffing moron.
I belive quite many knew it, but wasn't 100% sure. :-P
I'd never heard of joe until tonight, the PsB screenshots looked familiar, I knew I'd rubbed em under raskl's nose before!
thought so.
if this is the case as i told you on IRC chuk, you know he will be out of MoH in -1

thanks guys.
wrong person to reply to :p nice that you're trying to investigate it tho, although I can hardly imagine mens0 trying to win a final like this :/.
well saken we have being together the spanish boys for long enough and got 2 great recruits from a ex great spanihs team and we are trying hard to do the right things and if we got shit on us we gotta clean it. simple.
I'm sorry cid, hope you can get a fair fight in the final.. too bad you recruited the wrong guy. You couldn't know this. Fuck joe / raskl for bringing your team into this problems.
If they can't realy provide solid proofs that they have played for more than 2 years you can't realy call them great.
from what i can see
1- the ips dont match
2- the guids don't match
3- the nicknames don't match those @ yawn

is this the new cb policy that took weeks to ban keran and shy with undisputable evidences??

to ban a random player on the reson of... "i feel like it"

at least try and make a case CB... stop being the laughing stock of the whole ET world :)
and your brain capacity doesn't match your intelligence.
chucki3 maybe you could enlighten us all...

i don't see where is the ban evidence, that all

if you do see please explain it to me
cheaters get banned from CB ONLY if there is an IP match.
how exactly you know his ip doesnt match MR SHERLOCK?
because i go to the pbbans webpage and the nick who used that ip weren't raskl :) easy enough

here ya go;query=Search;_accCheck=1#61715236e714e3dfb270a62a47b58e94-08E8F3FA.png
bans are always dealed with ip's, his ip matches the bust and cb login, some people like me and the rest of some cheatbuster have rights @ pbbans to scheck players info's like ip's etc, stream a server and you will know what im talking about...
I lol'd seriously dude, get some help for your stupidy.
Yes, the evidences were so unclear that they even admitted that they did it. Matching ips + guids are fucking unlcear proofs.
that made my day :)
just trying to make them look fool before they ban u?
obvious hacker
I liked this game.

n1 mens0
imo clans shouldn't play cb opencup anymore. always when you have some questions admins arent replying, cb just cares about EC...
Who is awake at this time anyway of the admins? PS. mens0 went to sleep already at 22.00 :/ he will reply in the morning when he wakes up.
since when mens0 is CB admin?
since when mens0 is CB admin? o.O
since when I am CB Admin? o0
since when does cb care bout EC?
2long and i'm tired so kkthxb
more low pls...

account created on april and you wanna make me believe that he s so fuckin good without hackin? oooh wait maybe the previous accounts are already banned... oh wait they are MoH.. the Men of Hacks.. btw you still have 5 uberskilled show us some great shoot through the walls on ETTV.

you rly got what you desrved dumb twats.
cid mate, you played with raskl before so if joe = raskl just admit it...
So now my explanation. After the keran ban needed an endless time clanbase reacted and added a possiblity for pressing cases. All requests posted on this section will be worked on very fast. This section is only for ban requests of players, who are currently playing active on OC & EC. As you know, the ban progress on clanbase can take some time. This way avoids that clearly proven cheaters can still play all the time just because of the slow ban progress.

The following part is up to my personally opinion and not cleary proven. Everyone of you know the team visual which is clearly the team nC. I was really surprised that they have got deafeated by a completly noname team. This fact just caught my attention. Due to the fact that only a few teams left on OC and the new quickban system of clanbase, which is made for competition cases, of course I've checked some of them. But I also checked some players/clans from other divisions. Do you really believe that I would abuse my power (which I actually don't have), would fuck up my reputation and the credibility of our "organisation" just to increase our chance to win with banning an innoncent? Of course, I would like to win. But it's only the 2nd division of an Opencup. It's not even close to be worth to cause all the listed things for a 2nd Divsion win!! And to ban one player makes us winning? My aim was to play a fair final, nothing else. So the better way had been to do not ban a cheater just because I am in the team of the opponent? If there is a cheater I have the responsiblity to take care that they get banned. Same happened to Finland shitty, although he is in my clan and an efriend.

Well, that was just something I wanted to clear out.Lets come straight to the proofs. Firstly, I really asked myself whether you (moh) are really so naive or are u just acting like this?

From zero to hero within 2 1/2 months?

image: img_c4e01a5070c239b8ec66597dbb561782

His first yawn entrie.

Well, and I don't need to wonder about Portugal koto, who is defending him like my dog his toys, if I see the clanhistory of Joe.

image: img_1f7964985f9b4c1171b7f3a49a0a9649

Another interesting thing is following:

image: img_b1ddc12ff9cb54c293085de72430d51d

But lets come to the valid proofs. You know the guy United Kingdom raskl whose amount of busts is bigger than the amount of crocodiles worldwide.

raskl's IPs

62.30.38.*** (United Kingdom)
62.30.38.*** (United Kingdom)

80.193.161.*** (United Kingdom)
80.195.142.*** (United Kingdom)
80.193.160.*** (United Kingdom)
80.193.184.*** (United Kingdom)
80.193.184.*** (United Kingdom)

80.192.130.*** (United Kingdom)
80.192.246.*** (United Kingdom)
80.192.246.*** (United Kingdom)
80.192.248.*** (United Kingdom)
80.193.160.*** (United Kingdom)
80.192.246.*** (United Kingdom)
80.192.130.*** (United Kingdom)
80.195.142.*** (United Kingdom)
80.192.248.*** (United Kingdom)
80.193.190.*** (United Kingdom)
82.33.139.*** (United Kingdom)
82.33.139.*** (United Kingdom)

82.33.143.*** (United Kingdom)
82.33.137.*** (United Kingdom)
82.33.141.*** (United Kingdom)

Joe's IPs

62.30.38.*** (United Kingdom)
80.193.160.*** (United Kingdom)
80.193.184.*** (United Kingdom)
82.33.139.*** (United Kingdom)
90.192.124.*** (United Kingdom)
90.192.124.*** (United Kingdom)
90.192.124.*** (United Kingdom)
90.192.124.*** (United Kingdom)
90.192.124.*** (United Kingdom)
90.192.124.*** (United Kingdom)

IP logs from Clanbase, esl and crossfire are missing, but I'll ask to add them. So the proofs are tbc.

And don't act as you wouldn't know it's raskl(=kokain), wherefore you should get banned,too.

image: img_4574fd40690edb44f0d808044150d8f7

raskl`s busts

just a few of them...

It's cleary observable that he requested a new IP or changed his provider to get not detected. But I am sorry mate, that was too late...

Nothing against critizm or that you want to have explanations. But please firstly ask me instead of prejudging!

Quoteok guys from clan MoH, we want hard evidences not just a plain random bans from a noob.

I hope the noob could prove u that joe = raskl. But hey, you knew that already before and act like someone who is completly unknowing about that. Even more "hard evidences" are coming in very soon...


thx goes out to sol

[center]image: rasklgx0[/center]
laß Dir von soclhen Anschuldigungen nicht die Motivation nehmen, weiter zu machen wie bisher! (sry 4 german, its personally)
quite conclusive evidence, good job!
lol mens0 made my day! <3 u! :D
See that is what we were looking for, simple and clever. As i mentioned before he is already out of us.

BTW mens0 we havent go from nothing to where we are in 2 1/2 months mate. We'll see you at the final.
Yes, I know. I meant joe, not your clan by itself. cya :)
we lost this week against them so ir would be in my best interest that they all got banned :)

but that's not being truthfull, they practiced hard and the beat us fair and square even though it now shows they played with a known hacker.

i wish them gl to the final and i'll have other conquests to make with my real clan :)
well this is how all evidence should be provided, clear and simple

well done
ur post took half of the forum
dont apologise to me, apologise to cid for ruining his forum :(
I think he will like it. I also always prefered to read books with pictures than with only written text. So I brushed up his topic.
Man you are fasther than Lucky Luke. Let me edit my post ffs!
reëdit it :( or it will make my comment look stupid :<
GL CiD Pwnzor
ok menso, a unknown clan who beat a clan like . Go to watch the ettv again..they got 10000 damage more than us at goldrush, and we beat them because of they played with 5 guys at battery. Stop to make wrong conclusions if you dont know who are us, look the log account of moh if you want, as i said, we are old guys in this game praccticing hard, and it was a mistake to get joe with us, we needed somebody else because of the exams of some spanish players who plays with us, and we got him like an extremly needed.
Wtf. I didn't say anything against you guys. I just explained how he got my attention.
joe = raskl, and MoH dont act like you dont know play with raskl before and many more guys that post in this forum, you are all so naive...plz give me a break. what a nerve come to xfire to post like you dont know that joe is raskl lol bb
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