xAv finally busted

keep on hoping, it could be tomorrow ...

but you could also read something that's really worth attention; my A-levels exams are over and as you may know summer has begun, and i bet most of you guys know what i talking about because you're experiencing it right know; sun irritates skin so basically im forced to stay indoors and therefore to play all day long.

Some n°1 stuff about me:

-My feet-tracking skills are still unbeaten and french inet providers are still sucky enough so i roughly reach the international laming level.
-I also know how to get a genuine nvidia pb-ss blocker.
-I am e-tough just like you and despite a few attempts im not busted and lan proven.
-Im not keen on talking without a point (even tho this whole topic shows the contrary.)

I think you'll be clever enough to guess my irc-nick.
pretty nice one :D
LOl lemonkid
his face @ the end :D babys are so cutE
teamkiller, hf
nice post :D, gL to you frenchie!
ta mere suce des bites en enfer
lol baby with lemon :D
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