Punkbuster & Lags

Since my format a week ago I'm having some wierd lag that, every 90 seconds, stops me from moving for 1-2 seconds (gettin sorta 999).
I tried it offline and everything went smooth, meaning it's not about drivers/gfx...
Then an unbelieveable smart Inet-buddy of mine told me I should try a Server with Punkbuster off.
I did that and didnt have any lags at all.
So what? :O)
Updated pb?
lol have the same problem
pnkbstra.exe + pnkbstrb.exe?
My firewall after every reboot asking about that... that mean something ?
you play quakewars?
if not just remove it with this: http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
What does that do ?
remove pnkbstrb.exe
Have same first they told me its the router new one still got it now they think its something that disturb my connecting a alarm for example radio can be shitty things like that so can be everything
Its because of the "new" pnkbstrB.exe, that lagging is fixed by updating the punkbuster software via pbweb.exe.
and since when is that update available?
I updated my pb with pbweb 1 week ago and it's still laggin...
i updated mine yesterday and it worked.
i ll test it then =)
didnt help at all :o) and I dont have that exe file even
that file is in the system folder, as it is run by the system and pb just boots the file everytime a game is lauched that supports pb.
Check if you have the gfx driver setting fucked up.
ye, found it =)
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