morbiuz @ ET:QW (QCON)


I'm looking for a clan to attend this years quakecons ETQW tournament

I've been playing Wolfenstein ET and RTCW (Panzahfaust) and still pwning nubs with white fake nicks on polish server.
I can shout very loud in teamspeak and give you orders to improve your gamestyle. I also have great other nazi characteristics.
I'm playing Quakewars since last thursday, i have 11097 XP right now and i also got a script with selfkillbindings and voicetaunts.
My computer is a overclocked gamerpc with n1 watercooling stuff and i have a keyboard aswell.

I am available to pracc:
every fucking day and even sundays.

I could pay myself 120% - my parents are very rich and if you let me play in your team i can give you some money but you have to carry my bags.



PS: i can give twice as damage as swine.
not funny anymore and just ruined the seriousness of mine and pumus post, thanks :(
plz more such posts...
helo friendly naziboi
gl morb
cu there!
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