ClanLess minib

Greetings, after my new PC i wonder if my come back to ET would be possible.. and it was sucessfull :D , like the topic title says im searching an med skill clan that be active and funny to :D

what can i offer :

- No cheats
- Private GameServer
- Private TeamSpeak
- No Lifer ( :D )
- and expirient

What i want of you :

-> active
-> skilled ( med/med+ )
-> Funny :D

ps : my ET historial at my profile :D

ps2 : i play as rifle and fops :D

contacts : MSN : [email protected]
some banned cheater coming back or real player?!
yea , im sorry for my english :S when i dont know the word i simply writte it wrong :D but i think you understood :D

and fuzz im not any banned cheater ;) thanks to the GL :D
Good luck ;)
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