keep hope alive

after see and read all about the "shocking news" of team-Portugal i hv decided to watch fragarea 3 while i was eating smthg and the first song was "keep hope alive" with excellent frags and so one.
And i start wondering its funny because today was good day for et.comunity, haxors busted like this way is not case to say "et is dead" or just "old" but is time to say we still hv hope to clean this game.

in the name of all Portugueses et-Comunity SORRY!
omfg stfu we dont care nmore

fuck you

we don't care, it is/was definitive POR's fault, deal with it...
loek are the portuguese haxors equal or worst than polish?because they are saying in irc that wtf
that is indeed one of the best et movie parts
Please keep me alive!
I accept bank-, creditcards and cash kthx
ok i will make another topic with my mates only for that effect :)
and lil bit unhitable :]
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