Qpad + G5 fails..

This is whats up. So far I bought myself a Icemat2nd Edition Black, After that a QcKsteel, and now a Qpad CT large.

On the Icemat, I used a mx500, later mx510. Icemat destroyed mousefeet.
So I bought a G5 and a QcK (large cloth mousepad). Works fine, but not optimal. On the small corrections its a little to sticky.
Now I replaced the QcK for the Qpad. Very nice, but when I move real fast, it cancels the move. If I do it smooth it's ok.
Then I tested the Qpad with a mx500. No problems, but the mx500 felt like poo. Very "jitterish" feeling.
Next I tested the G5 on the QcK for that cancel prob, but then it doesn't occur.

my choice: live with the bug, play optimal smooth with G5 and Qpad.


*edit* I know this is just info, so I dont expect many replies :| just for your information k..
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