Searching for PHP coder...

Hi I'm searching for someone who knows PHP code and can code a site from scratch. It's a pretty big project so please don't react if you don't have the time for it.

Just contact me on IRC: xRio
or mail to [email protected]

Thx in advance.
and of course you wont pay him, right?
personal experiences dont always repeat themselves you know
though im sure the last person that still owes you money had a damn good reason not to pay you.
you didnt answer to my question

edit:and thats not a personnal experience, tbh you sounds arrogant & retard

no gl for you
of course i dont answer to your question, every "entrepeneur" (altough that's not how i want to call myself) knows that you should never put the salary in an advertisement because then negotiations about that is surely impossible.

when someone is interested in the job, the salary doesnt matter for the first interest. that will only be a point of discussion after the coder has showed his interest in the job.
what are you trying to do ? looking pro or ? i made a simple question 'are you gonna give some money' is it that hard to answer by a yes or a no ?

you overrate yourself a bit too much

Quotewhen someone is interested in the job, the salary doesnt matter for the first interest.

sorry but thats the most retarded statement i'hv seen since a long time ...
im not trying to look pro but im just not answering such a stupid question which is formulated in such a synical way as you stated it.

you dont even understand what i mean. if someone is interested in a job he first shows his interest and then while having contact with the one that is offering the job he'll ask for his wage. if he doesnt like it, he can always step back or start negotiating about it.

the reason why i dont state the amount of money that youll receive for the job here is because i dont want uninterested fools who just do it for the money.
ok let's be serious now

1) You are asking on a website which have NOTHING to do with programming.

2) you are talking about a big project and not even giving any information such as a age limit, a experience limit, a knowledge limit (no, coding a website is not only based on the PHP side)

3) You wants someone to code a BIG project but you do not talk about money, you seriously think that any professional coder will pm you coz you said its a BIG project ?

4) Yes my question was a bit synical but look at 1) you'll understand, it still was a serious question

5) you're still overrating yourself TOO MUCH

and if im interessed at a job (if i'hv the requiered experience ofc) its mostly for the salary, can be by passion but firstly coz i want to eat something you see?
1) i know im asking on a website that has nothing to do with programming but crossfire is a gaming community and a lot of gamers know PHP code so thats why i gave it a try, i dont expect anything serious from this site because most of the people here are way to busy and arent as dedicated as required. but im just taking a shot here.

2) age limit, experience limit and knowledge limit will be discussed when someone first contacts me. if i start putting up preconditions theres a pretty big chance noone will respond so i leave things open for now and set conditions during the first talks.

3) im only saying its a pretty big project because i dont want people that are available to code 1 day a week and are finished next year....

4) of course i will pay the coder, my reply to your question was a bit challenging i know but thats because i dont like synical people.

5) so be it
i hope you noticed that you dont make sens at all
thats your opinion, i think you are just whining here.
Quotei know im asking on a website that has nothing to do with programming but crossfire is a gaming community and a lot of gamers know PHP code so thats why i gave it a try, i dont expect anything serious from this site because most of the people here are way to busy and arent as dedicated as required. but im just taking a shot here.

so ? posting here makes nosens

Quoteage limit, experience limit and knowledge limit will be discussed when someone first contacts me. if i start putting up preconditions theres a pretty big chance noone will respond so i leave things open for now and set conditions during the first talks.

filtering here or in pm ? whats the difference ? except maybe show something more pro & etablished, again no sens

Quoteim only saying its a pretty big project because i dont want people that are available to code 1 day a week and are finished next year....

Ow then it's all fake ? very nice

Quoteof course i will pay the coder, my reply to your question was a bit challenging i know but thats because i dont like synical people.

ooooh yes thats so mature & smart, rly

you're so pathetic, dont reply i wont argument with you anymore, its just too easy
haha now who's overrating himself? you dont get a fuck of what im saying and by just saying that whatever i say makes no sense you think you are right... just take a look at yourselve mate seriously.
100% acc.
and i know what im talking about.
acc ? we're talking but programming not progaming
i cannot
i could do it, but i won't :o)
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