Summer sessions

Yo guys as my team d&b is on summerbreak i need a clan to play some 6on6s...
Infos in Profile..Im a skilled medic/fops and good on comms...
Pm me in #d&b
gl fear !
again?! gl mate :P
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Forum Topics
Score Title Author
824.5 still looking ;( feartheboOn
791.9 fear n stuff feartheboOn
733.7 fear?! feartheboOn
647.4 looking for fear team stena
643.9 i fear u feartheboOn
643.7 3on3 pwnage feartheboOn
551 fear again :( feartheboOn
531.7 Search skilled clan _Fear
530.3 2 players looking... zisu
475.8 Et-cup feartheboOn
462.2 summerteam juNkq
423.4 3on3 ftw feartheboOn
405.1 Wrobel need clan Wrobel
397.9 Plz take me !!!! feartheboOn
390.8 YA DUDES feartheboOn
388.7 snd-gaming Frenky
382.2 Looking for skilled team uf0l
377.8 TeH motherfu***** fear is cless feartheboOn
374.1 wtf!!!! feartheboOn
369.2 hiho feartheboOn
U are a coool motherfucker aigh? read asshole im searching for a team for like 3 weeks becuz my team is on summerbreak omg such little kiddies making threads to death u are a person why Et gets more and more fucked up by assholes!go back in where came from and plz dont write stupid things just becuz ure thing uuuuuh motherfucker im such a cool guy im sherlock no1. im great i have success in Internet im sooo great maybe u got a fucking ugly face, glasses no freinds but hey ure cool in inet get a life bitch ! im out wtf
I bet after this comment every clan want you with them XD
i think you may have touched a nerve there :D
.... ur a rly cool guy seriously wtf is going on in ur head? I am just saying with that u are posting 2 much cless treads just pm some clans in there channel u like ... and now u look like a clanhopper 2 me if u make so much cless treads and I don't care about that ET is fucked up it's just a game not MY life maby it's urs cause u make so much treads for a clan *nolife* and nope I don't got glasses and yes I have a ugly face but I think it is much better then urs and I have friends not e-friends like u only have just RL friend maby u know the word "reallife" I think not but gl finding a clan
Im a skilled medic/fops and good on comms...

let me doubt that people understand you
maybe mr. agressive should also have a break
und sal du bist auch son gefickter <3
Sal on 07/07/07, 13:07:06 Del | Edit | Reply

other language than english, ban!
i dont rly care
Member For: 7 months and 24 days
not even 2 weeks you have been in d&b XD
goo luck
gl m8 ;)
if all d&b members are looking for a team during the summerbreak, why dont you just continue playing?
its the business :o
cuz atm we only have 4 players in the lineup, and one went to vacations for a month. GL fear!
totally agree with pulza
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