Quit ET NOW!

Et sucks atm cuz of all fucking cheaters!.. Not even fun too play anymore.
How come some ugly fags buy cheats just to get famous in a game?
Well i think alot of ppl's will quit ET cuz of all thouse fags that cheats.. So fuck you punkbuster!! FIX THIS
yea idd, i also tryed to quit et some weeks ago, but i cant :< i started playing cod2 but i got the oppinion to play et again with alle my friends
i deleted et 2 mins and i installed again :)
yo kaj :f
yoyo :) dont you agree?
i havent been playing et for like 3 months lol, it sucks now...
bibuy ci you soun
brainy comment
ET > all :))
well, hes quitting because of you...
because of me? why :<
no, im not that norwegian amg
ah xD then change ur nick to non-cheater-like one
nah. :) i can always explain :>
we will missed you
:D hej kaj
Tjenare :P.. Et suger helvete.. skit bra spel men alla fuskar så ska nog skita i Et :'(
^^ gammla nyheter :D
joo men det e sant :)
Ive never seen anything but this ET, so np4me. =DDD
Cheaters is izibash.
cya kaj :l
later homey
cheaters were all time here but now they getting busted
Well they are getting busted but they are still playing so that sux.. ban 4 life thx
agree. you must quit real life too :D becouse everywhere are cheaters
tschö mit Ö
go play cs imo
-less cheaters n stuff
Unfortunatly for you Kaj you don't have the power to deside if you quit or not. :o)

And btw, I'm a cheater and you still love me right? ;) Kissiekissie
I will always love you varge!!n But im tired oft that everybody cheats :(
nexus nub, you are a real diehard cheater huh? ;))
Ofc, they call me "no-walls-vArgen". I'll show you sometime babe! ;)
damn long nick, im just gonna keep calling u sexyvargen!
cheaters is in any game.. just a bit more in ET because it's free =)
havent seen a cheater at ETQW, the more you play it, the nicer it gets :P
Want some cheese with that whine?
So you like 2 play with cheaters then? fuck u
Bit ironic to see this coming from your mouth, mister I'm-o-so-innocent :o))))
You are right, why doesn't anyone do something to stop it??!!
Allready quitted ET. np4me
ET is a nice game. :)
you are just disappointed that you're after so many years, still lowskilled
Yeah ind idiot. Comes from right mouth bitch
ET 4 EVER ! ;o !
et suxx ..... i quit already .... bb fuck nerds hf in your stupid ET careere .... SUCK MY DICK BIATCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
but u ll play with me some fungames? :>
i will !! but only if you disable polish lag haxxx :)
:D:D come to channel mofo
thanks to fusen, couse he makes the cheats famous!
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