(!) venco (!)

hey, still looking for a clan. im able to play medic and fieldops. my skill is around med+, but test me. able to speak decent english & german.

image: vencoorp7
gl nice friendly guy, take him!
gl nice flags :>
nice ex-mgc's

With this guys we think we have a stable line-up and are able to reach EC. (ok)
nice banner!
nice wnb clans
yea stop impressing ppl with good multigaming clans which recruited some nab squads :p
je never was in pstarZ ..
dont act to pro
lol? what does this have to do with acting like a pro? I'm just telling him that it's fucking tardish that he thinks he is pro / high when joining some high skilled known old clans with his noob squad and further all he wants ppl to think he was in the pro leet squads
still dont act like a pro
U SUCK, now this is somehow acting like a pro
I don't often see pro's saying that to others :(
i'm sucking then you suck even more plz...
ok xD, BUT U SUCK! :D was an example btw
gl junky
dont know , but im sure hes a zero-hero
u forgot senthex!!! :DDD
gl junky
gl junky
mmm you forgot to say experienced

E-mail: venco at webdot de
Location: Netherlands Netherlands
Gender: Male
Registered: 25 June 2007
Member For: 13 days
told u 8, its junky , teh yerman cheating kiddo
told u 8, its junky , teh yerman cheating kiddo

gl venco junky!! :-DD wusste nich das ich noch ET zocke aber ihr wisst es ja besser xDDDDD
venco played with me in my first clan ~2.5 years ago , so plz
mqtri you are one hell of a kid so you shoulden't even open your mouth behave as a shithead during game very retardish
venco newpc 7cf00109 6132E4FF... 2007/06/24
he is a oldschooler take him
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