2 guys in need of a team


s0Lut3 and myself are searching for a stable, medskilled team.

some things we expect from u:[/u]

- real medskill
- a United Kingdom- or Germany-speaking team
- a server to play/communicate on
- activity in leagues like CB, etc.
- no cheaters, sad that you have to mention this point nowadays
- appreciation for a little bit of reallife
- nice guys on vent

some things you can expect from us:[/u]

- two, 16 year old, around medskilled players (no kiddies)
- activity, except a few times per week
- allrounders, able to play nearly every class
- no clanhoppers
- experience of over 1 and a half year competitive ET
- speaking perfect Germany and United Kingdom in an understandable way
- clean yawn
- coordinated duo

Our clan history is a very short one: the whole last year we played for Europe Team - exiliCa, the time before competitive 6on6 we used to play 2on2 in ESL.

you can contact us on crossfire, if there are any questions left or if you think we would fit in your team.

flame on
thx for mentioning
what happened to exiliCa?
they are now playing under the flag of Europe 4evolution, there were a few discussions about the activity and they thought we are not there to the right times... cant confirm that, but it was a decision of the leader, so we were gone in love :)
what should i flame?
dunno, just needed some words for the end :)
gl iso =D
ya kapoks is a nice clan <3 kip 2.55 ownOr
fucking low :D
<3 iso <3
gl mates :)
gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl

!!!!!!!!!JA MITTER!!!!!!!!!

MFMITTERG the 1 and only penOxa !
gl bwler freunde findet was schönes

skilled indeed.
GL! Guys
Quote real medskilled

i lol´d
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