retard admin

well we played that #jsg.cup today .

My team : cohesion ( xot , axel , anim )

we played vs cs3r : suppy - b4 score = 2-2
we played after vs zajebisty supply = 2-0

in that war vs zajebisty we played first map and won , anim left the server and didn't come back so for forfeit , opponent have to wait 15 or 10 min if 3rd don't come back but the admin said ok u have 10 min , he start talking polish with those guys , 5sec after he said u have 2 min wtf??.. we played 2vs3 and they won , normally the scores are 2-2 vs cs3r and 2-2 vs zajebisty , but the famous admin malczik kicked us from cup because we said to him " noob rules " and " noob admin " etc ...

btw why he kicked us ? and if he kicked us don't put wrong results , just delete us from cup and that's all ..

noob admin , shit cup , shit rules .

Sounds like he want to keep his polish friends ..

Quote : (FD`Cup-malczik) rest of admins decider
(FD`Cup-malczik) that dont wanna u
(FD`Cup-malczik) coz u are whining
(FD`Cup-malczik) and do not know the rules
(FD`Cup-malczik) thats all
(FD`Cup-malczik) gl hf cu
(@c`xot) other admins?
—› part: (FD`Cup-malczik) ([email protected])
(@c`xot) were they in server?
(@c`xot) what a nub

Designed by malczik[/u]

nice design in website , i lold .
k. tell me more xD
Hf with the following care comments. But I can understand that. Something like that happened to me a few times and it really feels just grrrrrrrr.
its a polish cup, so..
yea i found my old account again :D
Why you must tell that shit to us? Like we care :D
if you don't care , don't add a comment , fag .
i did that because it's annoying and i want to say that malczik is a fucking retard mongol .
Dont call me a fag, fag
nolifer shit , 24/7 crossfire refresher , die pliz
Sorry im not refresher :o)
Im not going to die for you sorry :)
trying to became funny , you're NOT
Sorry im not trying to be funny
hahahaha... if know that malczik is admin then leave the cup... hes just atention whore and retard.... and big kidoo...

edit send me demos so i translate this polish talk between admin and my countrymans :D
Just dont insult admins, be glad they host a cup fuckface.
u didnt say anything new :X
ye we have all noticed like 10000 times and this guy has some mental problems :l poor kid, feel sry for him 8<
My team was playing in that cup too, but then he saw my yawn. (it's red btw)
Then I suggested that he should delete me from the roster, because I left the clan already, and the rest of the roster is totally clean...
But he said: No, bibuy

BTW: Why don't you check the guids before you start the cup??? That's a
just stop playing random cups organized by 16-years old people u dont know
proofs? stfu
who really cares. don't play random cups :)
loose (ls)
adj. loos·er, loos·est
1. Not fastened, restrained, or contained
2. Not taut, fixed, or rigid: a loose anchor line; a loose chair leg.
3. Free from confinement or imprisonment; unfettered: criminals loose in the neighborhood; dogs that are loose on the streets.
4. Not tight-fitting or tightly fitted: loose shoes.
5. Not bound, bundled, stapled, or gathered together: loose papers.
6. Not compact or dense in arrangement or structure: loose gravel.
7. Lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; idle: loose talk.
8. Not formal; relaxed: a loose atmosphere at the club.
9. Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior.
10. Not literal or exact: a loose translation.
11. Characterized by a free movement of fluids in the body: a loose cough; loose bowels.
anim cheat ?
did we loose? we owned FF and draw vs cs3r so stfu nub !
first of all: this is english based site so use english or somthing familar...
second: use reply button, lil' kidooos
well, I used the button and I replied to that kiddy in our language, because, as you can, see his english skills OWN and he has big problems with understanding this easy message, that, hmmm, that he sucks :|
many companies nowadays are searching for web designers...................
You do realize anim has played 1/2 Eurocup qualifiers in his time, and has played alpha (equivalent to EC) TWL just about every season. Not to mention he plays for his national team Canada.

People appreciate effort being put in, but just make stupid judgments and run the cup fairly and you wont have any issues.
who the fuck is malczik, some random polish kid
dont play in random cups :)
malczik ja wiem ze ty masz swoj swiat i nie da sie ciebie przekonac do tego ze zwylki ludzie ktorzy graja w ta gre nie moga pokonac znanych graczy, bo jak pokonaja to odrazu sa haxami. A co do whinu to cos na ten temat wiesz bo troche w toba gralem i o whinie to Ty wiesz najwiecej z nas wszystkich nie pamietasz juz jak na meczach na czystych graczy mowiles ze sa haxami bo Ci 3 hsy wyjebali :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD pozdro i imo zbanujuj caly cup bo jestes adminem i wszystko Ci wolno nawet banowac czyste klany nie mowie tu juz o nas tylko o innych =DDDDDDD
i jeszcze zrobil jsg.cup nawet nas nie pytajac o zdanie :(
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