CDC 3 & busted people?

While browsing through some journals, I read:
Quote[+]you wont be allowed to attend to CDC3. (not even as a spec if i'm correct?)

Can someone of the staff organizing CDC3 please confirm whether this is true or not?

If this is true, then it's one of the most useless rules I ever read, since offline & online are two completely different things.
No need for useless flame please.
cheaters deserve to die irl

they should thank god for just receiving a ban and not a raid at their home with some ak's
Thanks for your constructive comment. Retards: +1

i try to improve my skill by just praccing and searching a clan and then some random retard get some hax and owns me. He's wasting my time, hence he have to pay for it.
If u want to beat someone up over a videogame, then u really should go to a psychiatrist and get some help.
Did he even say something about beating a cheater up?
ofc they're not allowed and that's a great rule. :-)
So how will they check the identity of someone?
but hopefully we can see some more bitchfight action from Germany chaoz and Russia humMeL
fireballs headbuttkick
who the fuck wants to meet guys who ruined ET really?
no cheaters except perfo <3
Hope somebody kill those cheaters irl if they come to cdc3
the qualifiers matches will be played on-line. so no cheaters allowed thx.
You can't prevent people from cheating. So when they do and get caught they should feel. These rules help. It should be a lifetime ban. That would make people think twice before cheating. Sure some were only testing or had their brothers play but that's life. Lifetime ban and no off line events either. We can miss them.
They can spec but not play. This includes the high profile players recently busted
Although I find that rule wrong, good luck with checking peoples identity.
they should be able to proof themselves, you also let rocky play? :)
he wasn't busted back then.
hmmmmz k .. but still
there's no "but". Busted cheaters are excluded from competition.
I meant it about rocky :P
but you are right .. still there will be cheaters playing @ CDC
Not the busted ones :>
So shouldn't busted cheaters get the chance to prove that they are skilled enough for an offline tournament?

I can understand that they aren't allowed to play in online qualy's, but still, if a team wants a person to play with them on a LAN it shouldn't be a problem. No matter what happened online.
No :)
They fucked the game, they deserve a second chance after their ban.
lol? absolutely no! That would be like congratulating them for cheating.
i agree with you
they have to wear a yellow star
they have to be marked as jews were in ww2
cheaters should wear the yellow star like the jews in the world war 2, afterall this is a ww2 game :D (im joking of course!)

now serious, i think its ok for them to spec, but not play.
i wouldnt forbid cheaters from going to lan :P Because they can prove they are good even without hax. And if they arent... then fuck them xD
I think this is something about jetro :)
oh my god, how retarded are you...
everyone wants to prove themselves, cheaters come last in line. if you wanted to play on lans you should have thought about that before picking up cheats. besides, qualifiers are online.
That's not a useless rule.. It makes such perfect sense to not allow them to play lol..

edit: You're planning to come to CDC3 with aestas and Jetro or smthng?
U little sherlock. :P
if they come, someone will beat them :)
I'm being quoted, what a special day for me!
What a day, what a day for the enemy territory community!

Quote hex4:
Quotecheaters deserve to die irl

they should thank god for just receiving a ban and not a raid at their home with some ak's

Quote semtex:
Quotethey have to wear a yellow star

This is a littlebit to far guys, but imo they shouldn't be allowed to go :)

ps: thx for the funny comments tho :D
you can hack in the qualifiers
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