
Just a mistake. sorry :)
what a surprise, played against him and his retarded meights few hours ago.
So you're saying you're not retarded? :S

Do you really think he hacks?
haha what a fucking retard, loud mouthed cunt who give us nothing but grief
64 decem @ #stfu?: if u wouldnt cheat, u would actually get better at this game
65 LoL///: LMAO
66 stK/ vizjeh_: ahahahhahaha
67 lagger noob: rup
68 dizA: who are u talking to?
but you called lakaii a cheater not diza!!
stop that fucking cheaterbusting THE OLDEST THING FFS

ET -> DEAD go play with QW
coming from a busted cheater...
i've never been busted :< only a funny busting journal by logic
How's the busted.mp4 going
you sure? cause i can pop it out in a sec if you want
<sereNity-Goliath> pls mister multihack
nothing weird, he was caught ages ago
he still played nationscup after that .. so i guess it still would be considdered news to some :)
cheaters are gay and not more.
Hehehehe dizA lol'd

it must feel sad to lose 1 map on ETTV vs a much lower skill clan :DDDD

when ur using haxs
who said he haxxed that match he cheated but their arent proof that he cheats now.
et = dead
qw = dead
Skuffa. Dust.

Haha, have u ever thought about that they might have had a lan? :\ stupid cunts
please elaborate on that oh mighty lord, they had a lan and zico hacked while playing on lan with dizA? that's gotta be the worst fucking excuse ever. futhermore, you cant prove that and even if it was true he should still get banned for being fucking retarded enough to let someone hack and get busted at his place using his ip while he was present
i know it sound stupid, but it is actually the truth xD

But tell me, do u rly think diza is that good? :o
i dont have a fucking clue who he is, and if it's true he still deserves to get banned
deserves to get banned for what? :\
for being retarded enough to let someone hack in his house. the fun thing is, he can't prove it so he'll get banned anyways
that's not funny:< being banned for nothing :<<<<
someone is ruining the game for viax! SHAME ON THEM. anyways, i know who zico is, same goes for vizion, promo, stinger. consider us as retards too then, cuz we'll keep on playing with diza.
i dont consider you a retard, nor do i consider people that play with hackers retarded. letting someone hack in your house with your ip is kind of retarded though 8<
he's not cabable of being reasonable at all, i mean, if a mentally retarded guy throws icecream at you, you don't beat the shit out of him, you ignore him or laugh at him. but ofc, diza is the typicall cheater type: cocky, aimer, badteamplayer.
hmm well afaik zico hacked on his own pc at dizas place, since diza and zico have diffrent guids and shit, but sucks that he had a lan with his hacker meight! ;o
zico even called himself [LAN]zico :\
diza: http://www.yawn.be/userLocation.yawn?userid=6556&gameid=2

zico: http://www.yawn.be/playerWarnings.yawn?pbguidid=416007

As u can see they don't have matching ip's there.. and suddenly they do - > LAN!
Well, just tbh, this guy have never, ever cheated when he played for team-norway, I can assure you that.
Maybe he tried a cheat on public, or in one pracc, but he is still highly skilled without cheats.

But im very dissapointed over this shit.
Imo, he should not get banned if he just got an IP-match because of attending a LAN, what if one player at CDC3 haxxed, then everyone on that LAN would get IP-match with him.

Don't ban because of IP-match, when its obivous that it is from a LAN.
But if this wasnt from a LAN, then give him what he deserves.
stfu fanboy
Lol, why should I fanboy someone on the same level as me?
that's why he's in team-norway and you're not
ok that makes sense!
gl mascot
Well, I played 4:0 vs. your clan.
But that weren't unexpected, you are quite low. =]
vs my clan? LOLOL
I haven't played ET in 6months but ok!

PS: learn english =)
same level? xD .. haha :D
Ja, du har rett.
Jeg er litt bedre. ;DDD
Its nice that your sticking up for him and Norway, but you haven't got any actually proof of this, even tho i know diza isn't a cheater
Screenshot-bust gives you 6 month, while CVAR gives you 3 month.
Thats the difference here.
uh, fuckin wnb :D
... Zico is dizA's friend, who played on a lan at dizA's place, with cheats.

Stupidest thing
stupid enough to get banned for, so whats the point?
Sure he can get a ban for it, but you really think he hacks loL
actually he was the worst so I didnt suspect him of being a hacker and if he would be, he would be quite lowskilled without.
"decem @ #stfu?: if u wouldnt cheat, u would actually get better at this game"

Who did you direct that to then?
mostly to vizion.
u sir, r a retard!
if u didnt notice, I was just being a copycat about ur emotions and conversation skills
get a face, u ugly cunt
im still waiting for ur pic, damn u must be truly handsome if im ugly compared to you :DDDDDDDDDDD

not much I except from 16 years old guy though.
Geeks talking about how handsome they are in real life, and how ugly other geeks are..
the only reason I want to see his pic is cuz "you're ugly" is the only thing he uses to flame me, maybe he is too retarded to use anything else to flame, god I dont know, but I expect him to look like johnny depp or something if he can call me ugly.
decem e lættis. STOP ACTIN' U FOOL. get real, u are infact prizeless ugly. hugs
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