image: 4qymp1e

Going through some pbss' and I saw this and I have no idea what the hell it is.

Can one of you nice ppl let me know so I don't have to worry about it anymore?

its a teammates health bar what appears over their head when you look at them afaik
I have the same config [gfx 'n stuff] :'c
yes it's a teammates healthbar, i belive it stays when you turn quick, so you'll see it even tough he aint looking at him here.
hud hack, busted
thx 2 you guys <3
QuoteCan one of you nice ppl let me know so I don't have to worry about it anymore?

I deny that. :DDDD

Just a config issue. Pretty weird though >_>
That's not weird... :/

That's exactly like my config too :<
but u r a hax0rzz!!!
I sure am >_>
he jwas looking at teammate and it doesn dissapear immediately

u are all drnk
probably a team mate health indicator... most likely guy was infront and then crouched as it was shot... dunnos!
he is aiming on his teammate on the other side of the wall!
Ask perfo..

.. Sorry it had to be done, dont do sexy punch time on me please ;<
imo a teammate is proning in front of him and u only see his name
yea or quick turn just before pbss was taken
Why is his guid and name blacked out?
Because it is a pbss of England 1Viper :P
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